[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Niskayuna 4-19-1955. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Zoning — See Ch. 220.
It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct, keep, manage, operate or cause to be conducted, kept, managed or operated a private proprietary sanitorium, nursing home, convalescent home, home for the aged or chronic patients or invalids or any institution wherein human beings are receiving medical attention or nursing care or nursing supervision or custodial supervision and maternity hospitals or who are in need of the same within the limits of the Town of Niskayuna, designed to accommodate three or more persons for hire, without first having obtained and paid for and having in full force and effect a license so to do, as hereinafter provided, and then only in accordance with the license granted.
Any person desiring to procure a license as herein provided shall file with the Health Officer a written application, verified by the oath of the applicant, upon forms furnished by the Health Officer.
In addition to the information required by said application, the Health Officer shall have the right and authority to require such other pertinent information as may be necessary for the safety, health and morals of the public.
Any person, firm, association or corporation maintaining or operating a private proprietary sanitorium, nursing home, convalescent home, home for the aged or chronic patients or invalids, maternity hospital or any institution wherein human beings are receiving medical attention or nursing care or nursing supervision or custodial supervision or who are in need of the same at the time this chapter takes effect shall apply for a license as herein provided within one month after the adoption of this chapter.
The Health Officer shall refer such application to the Building Inspector and the Chief of the Fire District in which such institution is to be located or is located, who shall cause an inspection of the premises where the sanitorium, nursing home, convalescent home or home for the aged or chronic invalids or maternity hospital is to be conducted to determine compliance with the regulations, ordinances and laws applicable thereto. Those officials shall furnish the Health Officer within 10 days, in writing, the information derived from such inspection, accompanied by a recommendation as to whether a license should be granted or refused.
Upon receipt of the application, reports and recommendations as provided in the previous section, the Health Officer may, upon his approval and the payment to the Town of Niskayuna of the fee hereinafter provided, issue to the applicant a license to conduct such sanitorium, nursing home, convalescent home or home for the aged or chronic patients or invalids or maternity hospital. Said license shall be numbered in the order issued and shall state clearly and legibly thereon the location, date of issuance, date of expiration, the type of license, the fee paid, the name of the licensee and the name of the manager or person in charge, the number and location of rooms and the number and location of beds to be used for the purpose so licensed and the legal number of occupants who may be accommodated therein.
All licenses issued under the provisions of the chapter shall expire on the 31st day of December of the year of issuance.
Licenses issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be personal to the applicant and shall not be transferable.
The fees for licenses to conduct sanatoriums, convalescent homes, nursing homes, homes for the aged or chronic patients or invalids, maternity hospitals or any institution wherein human beings are receiving medical attention, nursing care or nursing supervision or custodial supervision shall be the sum of $1 per bed, with a minimum fee of $5 and a maximum fee of $25 when issued prior to the first day of July; the fee for said license when issued on or after the first day of July shall be made 1/2 of the amount hereinbefore designated. No refund shall be made on account of license fees for a license voluntarily surrendered or legally revoked.
Whenever a license shall be lost, destroyed, defaced or mutilated beyond legibility, without fault on the part of the licensee, his agent or his employee, a duplicate license in lieu thereof under the original application may be issued by the Health Officer, in his discretion, upon payment of a recording fee of $1.
Every licensee shall immediately display such license and keep the same displayed while in force in a conspicuous place in the office or hall of the premises of the licensee.
It shall be unlawful to deface, mutilate, destroy or in any way alter said license.
The Health Officer may at any time, after giving reasonable notice to the licensee and an opportunity to be heard, revoke or suspend any license for any false statements contained in any application for such license, for disorderly, indecent or immoral conduct on the premises or for violation of any rule, regulation, ordinance or law of the United States, the State of New York or the Town of Niskayuna. The Health Officer shall cause notice of such hearing and give the reason or reasons therefor, to be served upon the persons named in the application as the licensee and also upon the owner of record of the premises so licensed. Said service shall be by registered mail with a return receipt directed to the licensee at the licensed premises and to the owner at the address of said owner last known to the Health Officer or by personal service.
Any person, firm or corporation operating under a license pursuant to this chapter wherein said license has been suspended or revoked may at any time make application for reinstatement of said license. Within three days after receipt of the satisfactory application accompanied by a statement signed by the applicant to the effect that he has conformed with the violated provisions of this chapter, the Health Officer shall cause a reinspection to be made and thereafter as many additional reinspections as he may deem necessary to assure himself that the applicant is again complying with the requirements and, in case the findings indicate compliance, shall reinstate the license.
Every licensee shall keep or cause to be kept in a permanent form a register in which there shall be recorded in ink or indelible pencil the true name or names in ordinary use and the residence of each and every person admitted in such licensed premises for care or supervision, the date and hour of admittance and the date and hour of discharge or leaving. Said register shall also include the following: sex, color, age, marital status, occupation, place of birth, reason for discharge and, if death, the name of the attending physician and the name and address of the nearest relative or friend. Also, every person admitted must furnish the following:
The name of the attending physician.
If the patient is admitted from another hospital, convalescent home or nursing home, the name of such institution.
The Health Officer is hereby directed and authorized to make necessary rules and regulations to carry out the purposes of this chapter and to protect the public health, safety and welfare. Said rules and regulations shall include requirements and/or standards relative to light, ventilation, area and volume of buildings, fire protection, sanitary facilities, food preparation and storage, cleanliness, disease control, nursing and medical care and supervision and any other miscellaneous requirements and/or standards he may deem necessary for the public health, safety and welfare. He shall have authority to pass on all questions arising under the provisions of this chapter or said rules and regulations relative to the licensing, operation and maintenance of said private proprietary sanatoriums, nursing homes, convalescent homes, maternity hospitals and similar institutions, and he shall be responsible to the Town Board for the administration and enforcement of this chapter, together with the rules and regulations pertaining thereto. A copy of said rules and regulations shall be delivered to the applicant upon making application for registration. The applicant shall sign a receipt for such rules and regulations, which receipt shall be a part of his application.
A copy of any new rules and regulations made by the Health Officer shall be mailed by registered mail to each licensee, and a copy of any special rules shall be delivered either personally or by registered mail to the person or persons affected thereby.
An officer or employee of the Police Department, Fire Department, Health Department and Engineer employed by the Town, upon showing credentials of office, shall have access at all reasonable times to the licensed premises for the purpose of investigating any complaint or enforcing the law, ordinance or regulation relating thereto.
Each violation of this chapter shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $150 or by imprisonment not exceeding 150 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, or by a penalty of not less than $5 nor more than $500, to be recovered by the Town of Niskayuna, New York, in a civil action.
Any license issued hereunder to any person thereafter convicted of a violation of any of the provision of this chapter shall be canceled and revoked in accordance with provisions contained in § 135-6 of this chapter.