[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Niskayuna as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Garbage, rubbish and refuse — See Ch. 129.
Recycling — See Ch. 163.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 189.
Zoning — See Ch. 220.
[Adopted 3-6-1990 by L.L. No. 1-1990]
It is the purpose of this article to revise and establish fees for major and minor subdivisions, average density developments, planned unit developments, special use permits, zone changes, site plan reviews and appeals for area variances and use variances.
This article shall be known as the "Planning and Zoning Fee Schedule of the Town of Niskayuna."
[Amended 11-1-1994 by L.L. No. 13-1994; 8-15-2006 by L.L. No. 7-2006; 5-26-2015 by L.L. No. 3-2015; 7-28-2020 by L.L. No. 3-2020]
Any application for a sketch plan, a minor subdivision, a major subdivision, a planned unit development, an average density development, a planned development district or a lot line adjustment within the Town of Niskayuna shall be accompanied by a fee as follows:
Sketch plan:
Four lots or fewer: $100.
Five lots or more: $200.
Minor subdivisions: $300.
Major subdivisions:
Preliminary plat approval: $50 per lot; $500 minimum.
Final plat approval: $30 per lot; $300 minimum.
Planned unit developments:
Premission to make formal application: $200.
Tentative zoning approval: $30 per lot or dwelling unit.
Final zoning approval: $50 per lot or dwelling unit.
Average density developments:
Special use permit: $300.
Preliminary plat approval: $50 per lot; $500 minimum.
Final plat approval: $30 per lot; $300 minimum.
Planned development districts:
Permission to make formal application: $200.
Tentative zoning approval: $400, plus $40 for each 1,000 square feet of building area.
Final zoning approval: $40 for each 1,000 square feet of building area.
Lot line adjustment: $100.
Any application for special use permit, zone change or site plan review shall be accompanied by a fee as follows:
Special use permit: $300, plus additional fees as required for site plan review.
Zone change: $500, plus additional fees as required for site plan review.
Site plan review: $200, plus $50 for each 1,000 square fee of new building area, except for:
Tenant change only (no site plan changes): $100.
Any application for filing an appeal before the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be accompanied by a fee as follows:
Basic fees:
Area variances for one-family residential premises: $100.
All other appeals: $200.
Fees for rescheduling a hearing at the request of an applicant:
Area variances for one-family residential premises: $50.
All other appeals: $100.
The costs incurred by the Town for the review of an application by the Town Engineer, for consulting engineering fees or other consulting fees in connection with a board's review of a proposed application shall be charged to the applicant. The board to whom the application is made shall obtain an estimate from any designated consultant of the amount sufficient to defray the cost of such services and shall collect from the applicant the estimated charges at the time of the submission of an application to the appropriate board.
Any portion of the estimated charges so collected which are not expended by the Town shall be returned to the applicant. Any such costs incurred by the Town beyond the estimated charges initially collected from the applicant shall be collected from the applicant prior to final action upon the application. Costs incurred by the Town for the review of an application by the Town Engineer shall be billed at the rate of $65 per hour.
[Amended 11-1-1994 by L.L. No. 13-1994]
No application shall be deemed complete until the fees required by this fee schedule have been paid.
All fees paid to the Town pursuant to this fee schedule are nonrefundable.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Art. II, Landfill and Recycling Fees, adopted 3-20-1990, which immediately followed, was repealed 9-1-1992 by L.L. No. 3-1992. Local Law No. 3-1992 also provided for §§ 98-11 and 98-12 to be renumbered as §§ 163-3F and 129-5E, respectively.