Any vehicle parked, whether attended or unattended, or abandoned on any highway within the Town of Niskayuna during an emergency as defined in this chapter or found unattended where it constitutes an obstruction to traffic or any place where stopping, standing or parking is prohibited shall be subject to impoundment by removal to a garage or other place for storage, by or at the direction of any police officer.
Any vehicle impounded in the Town of Niskayuna pursuant to the provisions of this Code or the Vehicle and Traffic Law, except as otherwise provided in the Vehicle and Traffic Law, may be redeemed by the owner or other person lawfully entitled to possession thereof upon obtaining the written consent of the Niskayuna Police Department and paying such costs and charges as may be reasonable for the removal or storage of said vehicle before receiving possession of said vehicle.
The Town Board of the Town of Niskayuna may, by resolution, establish and amend a schedule of maximum fees for the removal or storage of vehicles impounded pursuant to this Article, and, in such event, no charges for such removal or storage of impounded vehicles may exceed said maximum fees.
Any operator of a place of business for garaging, parking or storing vehicles for the public who files a garage operator's report under the provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law shall file concurrently therewith a copy of such report with the Chief of Police.