The size, slope, alignment, materials of construction of a building sewer, the methods to be used in excavation, placement of pipe, jointing, testing and backfilling the trench, and the connection of the building sewer to the public sewer shall conform to all of the requirements of the Uniform Construction Code, the plumbing subcode of the State of New Jersey, this chapter and any and all other applicable rules and regulations of the Borough. In the event of any inconsistency in provisions of this section and the plumbing subcode, the plumbing subcode shall control.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 78, Construction Codes, Uniform.
All service laterals and building sewers shall be constructed of pipe materials permitted in accordance with the provisions of the plumbing subcode of the State of New Jersey, and jointing materials for the various types of pipe shall also conform to the plumbing subcode.
Building sewer support shall be provided as specified in the plumbing subcode of the State of New Jersey.
Where an improved property, at the time of securing a permit to connect to a sewer, shall be served by a private sewage disposal system, the existing building sewer line shall be disconnected on the structure side of such private sewage disposal system and attachment shall be made, with proper fittings, to continue such building sewer line, undiminished in inside diameter but not less than four inches, to the service lateral.
Fittings in a building sewer shall conform to the type of pipe used in construction.
Horizontal changes in direction in a building sewer must be made by use of "Y" branches or of 1/8 or 1/16 bends. Caulking of lead joints or alignment of self-sealing joints to angles of less than one over one (1/1) bend equivalent only shall be permitted.
The building sewer shall be laid as nearly as possible in a straight line.
Fittings or connections in a building sewer which have an enlargement, chamber or recess with a ledge, shoulder, or reduction of pipe area that tend to obstruct the flow of sewage shall not be permitted.
Leaded joints in cast-iron soil pipe in a building sewer shall be packed with oakum in the bell and spigot terminations and thereafter shall be filled with molten lead to a depth of at least one inch and shall not be depressed more than 1/8 inch below the rim of the hub. The lead must then be caulked in place. No paint, varnish, or other coating shall be permitted on the jointing material until after the building sewer has been tested and approved as provided herein.
Floor drains shall be connected to a building drain only with the approval of the proper administrative authority.
A cleanout shall be provided inside a building in order to service a building sewer. In the event it is physically impossible to locate a cleanout within the interior of a building, said cleanout may be located immediately adjacent to the outside building wall with the riser brought to the level of ground surface. Cleanouts shall be provided on each building sewer and at intervals to permit complete servicing with a fifty-foot long auger or tape. Cleanouts shall be constructed by suing a "Y" fitting in the run of pipe with a forty-five-degree bend and riser to the ground surface. The riser pipe must be fitted with a standard four-inch screw type ferrule. A "T" fitting with a riser to the surface of the ground, with a cap clamped in place, shall be installed in all building sewers at the curbline at the point of connection to the sewer service lateral or at any location within the sidewalk area. Inside cleanouts shall be located at a minimum height of six inches above the basement floor.
Whenever, in the opinion of the Borough Engineer or the authorized agent, the trenching conditions require either a specific type of pipe, jointing material or encasement in concrete, such materials shall be installed to protect the owner and/or the Borough as follows:
Where the trench is over 12 feet deep, RCP pipe or extra-heavy cast-iron pipe or other pipe material approved by the Borough Engineer must be used.
Where the trench is less than four feet deep in a traveled roadway, extra-heavy cast-iron pipe shall be used and special bedding, consisting of crushed stone or a concrete cradle, as directed by the Borough Engineer, shall be used.
Service laterals and building sewers for all service stations, garages, or other establishments storing, using, or dispensing gasoline, kerosene, benzene or other solvents shall be constructed of extra-heavy cast-iron pipe with leaded joints.
Where lines are laid in fill, extra-heavy cast-iron soil pipe with lead joints shall be used. The line shall be laid on a bedding of quarry blend crushed stone or concrete, the bedding to extend down to unbroken ground.
The slope or grade of a building sewer shall be no less than 1/8 inch per foot of length and shall be no more than 1/4 inch per foot and downward in the direction of flow. The grade shall be continuous except that a vertical riser with a cleanout at ground surface shall be installed when necessary. Where such a vertical riser is impossible, the maximum grade may be increased to that necessary to maintain a continuous grade from building drain to sewer lateral.
No building sewer shall be covered until it has been inspected, tested as provided herein and approved. If any part of a building sewer is covered before being so inspected, tested and approved, it shall be uncovered for inspection and testing at the cost and expense of the owner of the improved property.
When found necessary by the Borough Engineer, Plumbing Subcode Official or the authorized agent, the building sewer shall be tested by filling the same with water completely so that every section shall be tested with not less than a ten-foot head of water. Water shall be kept in the building sewer for a period of 15 minutes before inspection starts and no leakage should be observable at the time of inspection.
Where it is found impractical to conduct a water test on the sewer lines, the following maximum leakage shall be permitted: 100 gpd per inch of pipe diameter per mile of pipe except that for building sewers and service laterals, no leakage shall be allowed.
Upon inspection and approval of a building sewer by the Borough Engineer, Plumbing Subcode Official or the authorized agent, a certificate of approval shall be issued to the owner of the improved property to be connected to a sewer.
Whenever the Borough Engineer, Plumbing Subcode Official or the authorized agent has reason to believe any building sewer has become defective, such building sewer shall be subject to test and inspection. Defects found upon such test and inspection, if any, shall be corrected as required by the Borough Engineer or authorized agent in writing, at the sole cost and expense of the owner of the improved property served through such building sewer.
Every building sewer of any improved property shall be maintained in a sanitary and safe operating condition by the owner of the improved property.
Every excavation for a building sewer shall be guarded adequately with barricades and lights to protect all persons and property from injury and damage. Streets, sidewalks and other public property to be disturbed in the course of building sewer installation shall be opened and restored at the cost and expense of the owner of the improved property and pursuant to the applicable provisions of Borough ordinances.
Connections with sewers where the same are installed through private property shall in all respects be governed by the provisions of this chapter.
The Borough shall not be liable for any damage or expense resulting from leaks, stoppages or defective plumbing or from any other cause occurring to any premises or within any house or building. The Borough shall not be liable for a deficiency or failure of service when occasioned by an emergency, required repairs or failure from any cause beyond its control. The Borough reserves the right to restrict the use of sewer service whenever the public welfare may require. The Borough shall not be liable for any damage or expense resulting from leaks, stoppages or defective plumbing or from any other cause occurring to any premises or within any building, and the owners of improved property, upon connection to the sewer system, assume all liability and waive any claim against the Borough on account of the breakage or stoppage of, or any damage or expense to, any service lateral or building sewer where the cause thereof is found to be in such service lateral or building sewer.