This Article contains a complete list of required improvements to be installed by the subdivider.
All streets shall be graded to the grades shown on the street profile and cross section plans as submitted and approved with the preliminary plan. They shall be inspected and checked for accuracy by the village or its representative.
All pavement for local residential streets and collector streets or roads shall be installed as shown on the preliminary plan.
All pavements shall conform to the New York State Department of Transportation specifications for street construction (residential).
Curbs shall be required on both sides of all streets and shall be straight or rolled concrete, asphalt or stone curbs. Straight curbs shall be installed at all intersections, and when used throughout, all curb cuts shall be included in initial installation. See diagrams for cross section of pavement, apron and rolled curb.[1]
Editor's Note: Said diagrams are included at the end of this chapter.
Sidewalks shall be installed on both sides of a street or road.
Sidewalks shall be constructed to the following minimum specification: Sidewalks shall be 3,000 pound minimum strength concrete, one-to-two-to-four mix or better, with a minimum width of four feet and a minimum thickness of four inches, except at driveway crossings where the sidewalk thickness shall be increased to six inches.
All storm sewers and drainage facilities, such as gutters, catch basins, bridges and culverts, shall be installed and the land graded for adequate drainage as shown on the grading plan submitted and approved with the preliminary plan. These also shall be inspected and checked for adequacy by the village or its representatives.
All necessary mains and laterals for connection from the lots to the public sewage system as shown on the preliminary plan shall be installed by the subdivider. If public disposal is not available and the sewage treatment is on a project or individual lot basis, such private facilities must be installed by the subdivider in accordance with Chapter 137, Sewers. The subdivider shall obtain the necessary permit from the Village Water/Sewer Foreman.
[Amended 4-17-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996]
No septic tank tile field or other effluent disseminating system shall be located nearer to a drilled well than 100 feet.
In areas not presently served by public sanitary sewers, the Board may require, in addition to installation of temporary individual on-site sewage disposal facilities, the installation and capping of sanitary sewer mains and house connections if studies of the Board indicate that extension of public sanitary sewer trunks or laterals to serve the property subdivided appears probable or necessary to protect the public health.
All water mains and lines, as shown on the preliminary plan, shall be installed from each lot to the municipal supply. Where no public supply is available, it must be furnished by the subdivider on a project or individual lot basis. If wells are installed on each lot and the lot also contains its own sewage disposal facilities, the well shall be drilled, cased, installed and located under the supervision of the County Health Officer or representative. Such officer or representative shall inspect and check the well installation for conformance to standards, shall ascertain an ample supply of pure water and shall issue to the Planning Board a certificate of approval as a requirement to final plan approval.
If public water is to be used, a letter of intent from the Village Water Department must be filed with the Board. The letter must state the following:
That the subdivision can be served with an adequate water supply.
That sufficient static and flow pressures for fire protection are available at peak demand.
The proposed pipe sizes.
If a private on-site well is to be used as a water supply for the subdivision:
Each individual well must have a minimum proven flow of three gallons per minute, and where the proven flow is under 15 gallons per minute, such well must be equipped with a one-hundred-gallon reserve tank.
There must be a flow pressure of 20 pounds at the point of entry into the house.
Adequate tree planting shall be completed by the developer. Street trees shall be a minimum of 35 feet and a maximum of 50 feet apart. Tentative tree species will be indicated on the preliminary plan. Trees shall not be less than 1 1/2 inches in diameter at the base at time of planting. They may be planted on either side of the sidewalk. Trees must be adequately supported by guy wires or firmly rooted.
Permanent reference monuments of precast concrete or a durable stone, six inches by 30 inches, with forty-five-degree beveled edges shall be set at final grade at all corners and angle points of the boundaries of the original tract to be subdivided and at all street intersections and such intermediate points as may be required. All lot corner markers shall be at least a three-fourths-inch metal pin with a minimum length of 30 inches, permanently located in the ground to final grade.
Permanent street signs, of the same specifications as those of the Village of McGraw, showing the names of the intersecting streets shall be erected at each intersection.
Fire hydrants shall be installed plumb and in conformity with all requirements of standard thread and nut, as specified by the New York Fire Insurance Rating Organization and the Division of Fire Safety of the State of New York.