[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Spring Lake 4-3-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-008. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It has been found that the procedure for amending fee schedules through the enactment of individual ordinances is both time-consuming and economically unfeasible. The Borough of Spring Lake enacts the following chapter to allow for the efficient, orderly and prompt adjustment of all Borough fees by resolution.
The title of this chapter shall be "Fees," and it shall affect all present and future local ordinances, boards, commissions and public agencies within the jurisdictional limits of the Borough of Spring Lake, New Jersey.
As used in this chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings:
The governing body of the Borough of Spring Lake, New Jersey.
Any lawful charge pursuant to the general Code of the Borough of Spring Lake, including but not limited to all admission charges, rentals of Borough-owned lockers at either pavilion along Ocean Avenue, beach badges, pool fees, users fees, application fees, land use fees, water and sewer use and connection charges, membership fees, program charges, dues, permits, special permits, license fees or any charge or disbursement required by a duly constituted board, commission or committee of the Borough of Spring Lake, New Jersey.
Any monetary assessment imposed as a result of a failure to comply with any local ordinance, rule or regulation within the jurisdiction of the Borough of Spring Lake, New Jersey.
All fees imposed by the Borough of Spring Lake, as enumerated in the Borough's Master Fee Schedule, may, from time to time, be adjusted to reflect either an increase or decrease upon a resolution duly enacted by the Council. While the Council shall adopt a Master Fee Schedule on an annual basis, there is no limitation on the number of amendments the Council shall be able to adopt through a formal resolution.
Upon enactment of a resolution pursuant to § 177-4 of this chapter, said resolution shall be filed with the Borough Clerk, with copies forwarded to all applicable boards, commissions, committees and departments of the Borough of Spring Lake. It shall be the responsibility of the Borough Clerk to maintain an official record of all Borough fees and the changes thereto.
If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, or any part of this chapter is determined to be unconstitutional and invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of the chapter, not directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.
This chapter repeals any inconsistent ordinance or part or parts thereof.
This chapter shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and publication as required by law.