The Township Commissioners shall by resolution create a schedule of fees to be paid by the subdivider or land developer to defray the cost of administering and processing of plats. A fee shall be paid for the following.
This fee defrays the costs of:
Inspecting the site for conformance to survey and for other requirements.
Reviewing the engineering details and other plat requirements.
Preparing the cost estimates of the required improvements and other related costs.
This fee defrays the cost of:
Reviewing the subdivision or land development plat engineering details.
Inspecting the site for conformance of survey.
Preparing cost estimates of required improvements.
Inspection of required improvements during installation of required improvements.
Administration and legal services necessary for the processing of the proposed subdivision or land development plat.
Any engineering, legal and administrative costs in excess of the amounts submitted prior to the approval of the final plat shall be paid promptly by the subdivider or land developer upon being notified of same by the Township Solicitor.
Any excess paid over the amount actually required to cover such costs shall be returned to the subdivider upon the completion of the required improvements.
The submission of a preliminary and a final plat of the same subdivision at the same time is subject to required payment of both preliminary and final plat fees.
Fees shall also be established and collected for plats of land developments which do not propose subdivision of the land into lots, such as for multifamily dwelling complexes, commercial or industrial development.
When new street sections, or other lands, are tendered to the Township for public ownership, the subdivider or land developer shall pay the costs of preparing and recording the land title deeds and advertising the ordinance.
Costs related to a subdivision or land development, involved in the opening of roads, connection to streets or highways, sewage or water supply systems, shall be borne by the subdivider or land developer.
In lieu of provisions for the required improvements, the Township Commissioners may accept a performance guaranty from the subdivider or land developer to ensure construction and installation of the required improvements following approval of the final plat.
The performance guaranty must be approved by the Township Commissioners with the advice of the Township Solicitor and Township Engineer and shall:
Be a bond, certified check or other satisfactory security.
Be payable to Ridley Township.
Be in an amount sufficient to complete the improvements in compliance with these regulations.
Specify a satisfactory completion date for the improvements.
When the subdivider or land developer has completed all of the necessary and appropriate improvements, the subdivider or land developer shall notify the Township Commissioners in writing, by certified or registered mail, of the completion of the aforesaid improvements and shall send a copy thereof to the Township Engineer and Township Planning Commission. The Township Engineer shall thereupon file a report, in writing, with the Township Commissioners and shall promptly mail a copy of the same to the subdivider by certified or registered mail. The report shall be made and mailed within 30 days after receipt by the Township Engineer of the aforesaid authorization from the Township Commissioners; said report shall be detailed and shall indicate approval or rejection for said improvements, either in whole or in part, and if said improvements, or any portion thereof, shall not be approved or shall be rejected by the Township Engineer, said report shall contain a statement of reasons for such nonapproval or rejection.
The Township Commissioners shall notify the subdivider or land developer, in writing, by certified or registered mail, of the action of said municipal governing body with relation thereto.
If the Township Commissioners or the Township Engineer fails to comply with the time limitation provisions contained herein, all improvements will be deemed to have approval and the subdivider or land developer shall be released from all liability, pursuant to its performance guaranty bond.
If any portion of the said improvements shall not be approved or shall be rejected by the Township Commissioners, the subdivider or land developer shall proceed to complete the same and, upon completion, the same procedure of notification, as outlined herein, shall be followed.
Nothing herein, however, shall be construed in limitation of the subdivider's right to contest or question by legal procedures or otherwise the determination of the Township Commissioners or the Township Engineer.
In the event that any improvements which may be required have not been installed as provided in this chapter or in accord with the approved final plat, the Township Commissioners, are hereby granted the power to enforce any corporate bond or other security by appropriate legal and equitable remedies. If proceeds of such bonds or other security are insufficient to pay the cost of installing or making repairs or corrections to all the improvements covered by said security, the Township Commissioners may, at their option, install such improvements in all or part of the subdivision or land development and may institute appropriate legal or equitable action to recover the moneys necessary to complete the remainder of the improvements. All of the proceeds, whether resulting from the security or from any legal or equitable, or both, shall be used solely for the installation of the improvements covered by such security and not for any other municipal purpose.
Failure of the subdivider or land developer to provide the fees required in this article may be the sole reason for disapproval of a plat, in which case technical review of the plat for conformity with the provision of this and other applicable ordinances and regulations shall not be required.