Any person who violates any provisions of this chapter, or any regulations of the Town Manager as provided for in this chapter, shall be subject to the following penalties in those cases where no other penalty is cited in this chapter:
First offense: A written warning shall be issued.
Subsequent offenses: A fine of $25 for each such violation shall be imposed.
Owners/occupants of nonresidential premises.
First offense: A written warning shall be issued.
Subsequent offenses: A fine of $500 for each such violation shall be imposed.
It shall be the responsibility of the Town Manager to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
Any person aggrieved by reason of the Town Manager acting under this chapter may appeal for relief to the Town Council. Any such appeal shall be in writing and, to be recognized, shall be submitted within 15 days from the date upon which the aggrieved action of the Town Manager has occurred. The Town Council shall, within 30 days after submission, consider such appeal and shall determine if the Town Manager has acted properly and reasonably within the scope of his/her authority under this chapter and shall direct a remedy, if necessary, provided that the Town Council shall not in any way vary the requirements of this chapter as they may apply to the applicant.