[Adopted 3-5-1992 by the Board of Health]
Every veterinarian or other person who is called to examine or professionally attend any animal within the Borough suspected of infection with rabies shall, within 12 hours thereafter, report in writing to the Board of Health (the "Board") the following facts:
The location of the diseased animal.
The name and address of the owner thereof.
The type and character of the disease.
Any person owning, controlling or having in his possession any animal affected by or suspected of rabies shall immediately notify the Board. Upon notice from the Board, the owner or person having control of said animal shall confine it securely under supervision of the Board until a certificate of release is issued.
Every physician shall, within 12 hours after his first professional attendance upon any person bitten by any animal, report to the Board the name, age, sex and residence of such person.
If any child shall be bitten by any animal and no physician attends such child, the parents or guardian of the child shall report to the Health Officer the name, sex, age and residence of such child. Such report shall be made within 12 hours after the parent or guardian shall first have knowledge that the child was bitten.
If any adult shall be bitten by any animal and no physician attends him, it shall be the duty of such adult, if not incapacitated, or if he be incapacitated, then it shall be the duty of the person caring for him, to report to the Health Officer the name, age, sex and residence of such adult. Such report shall be made within 12 hours after the person caring for him shall first have knowledge that the adult was so bitten.
The Board shall require the owner or person in charge of any animal which has attacked or bitten any person to confine such animal at the expense of the owner or the person in charge of such animal for at least 10 days after the attack. The animal shall not be released until proof of a licensed veterinarian's examination of said animal is furnished to the Health Officer who shall countersign the release certificate.
Proof of such examination shall be furnished to the Health Officer within 72 hours after the ten-day quarantine period.
[Amended 5-6-1993]
Any person, firm or corporation who or which shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction, be liable to a penalty of $25 for the first offense and not less than $50 for each subsequent offense to be recovered in a civil action brought by and in the name of the State Department or Local Board of Health. Penalties hereunder shall be enforced and collected pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:3-72, 26:3-77 and 26:3-78 of the Revised Statutes.