In the event the Planning Board shall determine that off-tract improvements are required in connection with any subdivision or site plan, then prior to granting final approval:
The Planning Board shall report to the Borough Council:
The location, character and extent of the required off-tract improvements.
The Borough Engineer's estimate of the total cost of such off-tract improvements.
The proposed allocation of said total cost determined in accordance with the standards set forth in § 147-46.
The Borough Council shall determine and report to the Planning Board whether the off-tract improvement will be constructed:
By the Borough as a general improvement, as a local improvement or as a combination thereof; or
By the subdivider or site plan applicant with a formula specified by the Borough Council providing for partial reimbursement if the improvement specially benefits property other than that within the subdivision or site plan.
The Planning Board shall require, as a condition for approval of the final subdivision plat or site plan, that:
If the improvement is to be constructed by the Borough as a general improvement, the subdivider or site plan applicant shall deposit with the Borough Treasurer an amount equal to the difference, if any, between the estimated cost of the improvement and the estimated total amount by which all properties, including the subdivision or site plan to be serviced by the improvement, will be specially benefited by the improvement.
If the improvement is to be constructed by the Borough as a local improvement, the subdivider or site plan applicant shall deposit with the Borough Treasurer, in addition to the amount specified in Subsection C(1), the estimated amount by which the subdivision or site plan will be specially benefited by the improvement.
If the improvement is to be constructed by the subdivider or site plan applicant, the subdivider or site plan applicant shall file with the Borough Clerk a performance guaranty meeting the requirements of § 147-42 in the full estimated cost of the improvement.
In determining the allocation of costs for off-tract improvements among the subdivider or site plan applicant, other property owners and the Borough, the Planning Board shall be guided by the following factors:
The total estimated cost of the off-tract improvements.
The increase in market values of the properties affected and any other benefits conferred.
The needs created by the application.
Population and land use projections for the land within the general area of the subdivision.
The estimated time for construction of the off-tract improvements.
The condition and periods of usefulness of the improvements which may be based upon the criteria of N.J.S.A. 40A:2-22.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Planning Board may take into account the following specific factors:
With respect to street, curb, gutter, sidewalk, shade trees, streetlights, street signs and traffic light improvements, the Board may consider:
Traffic counts.
Existing and projected traffic patterns.
Quality of roads and sidewalks in the area.
Such other factors as it may deem relevant to the need created by the subdivision or site plan.
With respect to drainage facilities, the Board may consider:
The relationship between the area of the subdivision or site plan and the area of the total drainage basin of which the subdivision or site plan is a part.
The proposed use of land within the subdivision or site plan and the amount of land area to be covered by impervious surfaces on the land within the subdivision or site plan.
The use, condition or status of the remaining land area in the drainage basin.
With respect to water, gas and electric supply and distribution facilities, the Planning Board may consider the use requirements of the use proposed for the subdivision or site plan and the use requirements of all other properties to be benefited by the improvements.
With respect to sewerage facilities, the Board may consider:
The anticipated volume of effluent from the use proposed for the subject or site plan and the anticipated volume of effluent from all other properties to be benefited by the improvements.
The types of effluent anticipated and particular problems requiring special equipment or added costs.
Any money received by the Borough Treasurer for off-tract improvements to be constructed or installed by the Borough pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be deposited in a suitable depository therefor and shall be used only for the improvements for which they are deposited or improvements satisfying the same purpose. If construction of improvements for which the Borough is responsible has not commenced within five years from the date of deposit, the amount deposited with any income thereon shall be returned to the subdivider or site plan applicant or his successor in interest.
Upon completion of any improvement constructed by the municipality as a general or local improvement, the total cost of such improvement shall be determined by the Borough Treasurer. The difference between the actual cost as so determined and the estimated cost shall be computed. The subdivider or site plan applicant or his successor in interest shall make remittance to the Borough if the actual cost exceeds the estimated cost or shall receive a refund from the funds deposited with the Borough if the estimated cost did not exceed the actual cost, in an amount which bears the same relationship to the difference between the actual and estimated costs as the amount deposited by the subdivider or site plan applicant for his proportionate share of the estimated cost bears to the total estimated cost. Any sum payable by the subdivider or site plan applicant or his successor in interest may be levied and collected by the Borough in the same manner as is provided by law for the levy and collection of real estate taxes.
In the absence of an express provision in a deed or deeds of conveyance, it shall be presumed that the fee owners of all lots in the subdivision or site plan at the date any deposit or portion thereof is returned or additional charge is made pursuant to §§ 147-47 and 147-48 are the lawful successors in interest to the subdivider or site plan applicant and that each such fee owner shall be charged with or entitled to receive a pro rata share, based on lot area, of any funds to be returned or additional charge to be made pursuant to § 147-48. Upon payment of any such sums to said fee owners, the Borough shall be released of liability to any other person.