[HISTORY: Adopted by the Governing Body of the Borough of Allendale as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 11-8-1990]
A new article is hereby established providing procedures for issuance or renewal of licenses or permits in the manner following:
An "applicant," "licensee" or "permittee" is hereby defined as any person, partnership, corporation or other entity to whom a license or permit is issued by the Borough of Allendale or any agency or department thereof.
Any applicant who requests the issuance, reissuance or renewal of any license or permit issued by or requiring the approval of the Borough Council or of any agency or department of the borough shall be required to pay any delinquent property taxes or assessments if he is the owner of the property where the business or activity is located prior to the issuance, reissuance or renewal of any license or permit.
Any license or permit issued by the Borough Council or any permit issued by any agency or department of the borough may be revoked or suspended by the Borough Council when any licensee or permittee, who is an owner of the property upon which the licensed business or activity is conducted, has failed to pay the taxes due on the property for at least three consecutive quarters.
The Tax Collector shall advise the Borough Council, in writing, 30 days after any property owner, who is also a licensee or permittee, has failed to pay real property taxes for three consecutive quarters and serve notice upon the owner of the deficiency, by certified mail, with a request for payment and a copy of this article.
In the event that the owner does not pay the delinquent taxes entirely, plus interest and penalties permitted by law, then the Borough Council may, at a regular public meeting of that body, schedule a hearing to revoke or suspend a license or permit. The Borough Council shall provide at least 10 days' written notice to the owner of the public hearing, including the time and place of the same. All hearings shall be conducted in public, and the owner shall be provided an opportunity to present his defense. The decision of the Council shall be by written resolution and a copy served upon the owner.
Upon payment of the delinquent taxes or assessment, the license or permit shall be restored.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to or include any alcoholic beverage license or permit issued pursuant to Chapter 85 of the Code of the Borough of Allendale or licenses or permits for dogs as provided for in Chapter 93, Art. I of the Code.