[Added 1-24-1991]
[Amended 11-13-2003]
The purpose of this zone district is to provide certain development bonuses in order to create a realistic opportunity for the construction of lower-income housing in satisfaction of Allendale’s affordable housing obligation under N.J.S.A. 52:27D-301 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 5:93.
This zone is intended for townhouses, as defined in § 270-8, of which at least 20% must be affordable to lower-income families in accordance with Article XXVIII, Affordable Housing Standards.
The district shall comprise properties shown as follows on the Borough Tax Map and further defined by the Zoning Map and incorporated herein by reference: Block 2101, Lot 9, comprising 13.58 acres, more or less.
[Amended 10-27-1994; 11-13-2003; 5-9-2013]
Any use other than those listed in § 270-120 is prohibited.
Density. Maximum density shall be eight units per acre of gross lot area, except that lands upon which construction is not permitted under the New Jersey Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act[1] shall be excluded from lot area for the purpose of calculating density.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 13:9B-1 et seq.
Height. No building shall exceed a maximum of 30 feet in height. Townhouses shall not exceed 2 1/2 stories, with "1/2 story" meaning on the top floor with a sloping roof, such that the habitable floor area is not more than 1/2 of the area of the story below.
Area. No lot shall be developed with less than two acres in area.
Yards and setbacks. There shall be a minimum setback of 40 feet from public streets for buildings and parking area. The minimum setback of buildings from all other property lines shall be 30 feet. Parking areas shall be set back a minimum of five feet from such other property lines, subject to the buffer strip requirements of Subsection E below.
Buffer strip. There shall be a buffer strip of at least 20 feet within the site, along all property lines other than on public streets, adjoining any property zoned for residential purposes. This strip shall be landscaped with a dense planting of evergreen shrubs or trees at least six feet high, either along or in combination with a wire or wooden fence.
Occupancy of land. Not more than 60% of the land area of any one development site may be occupied by buildings and paved areas combined.
Building requirements, townhouses. Townhouse buildings shall contain a minimum of two and a maximum of six units; shall not exceed a length of 150 feet; shall provide a staggered front-wall building offset of at least five feet for each two units; and shall have not fewer than two walls with window exposure for each unit.
Landscaping. Attractive landscape plantings shall be provided and maintained, and existing trees shall be retained wherever possible.
Driveways. The pavement widths of all internal driveways shall be adequate in size and location to accommodate the maximum anticipated traffic and access for fire-fighting and police vehicles. The minimum paved width shall be 15 feet for a one-way driveway and 25 feet for a two-way driveway. Pavement, curbs and drainage facilities shall be in accordance with Borough specifications. Parking is prohibited within the required driveways.
Off-street parking. A minimum of two off-street parking spaces shall be provided on the site, no more than 300 feet from the building entrance, for each dwelling unit, except that, for units of two bedrooms or more, there shall be an average of one additional space for each five units. Parking spaces shall be set back a minimum of five feet from building walls.
Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be arranged so as to reflect the light away from all adjoining premises.
Accessory buildings. Any building used for other than residential purposes shall be set back at least 40 feet from public streets, 50 feet from residential buildings and 30 feet from other property lines.
Prior to the issuance of any construction permit, the Planning Board shall review and approve a site plan for the entire project in accordance with the provisions of the Land Subdivision and Site Plan Ordinance of the Borough of Allendale.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 147, Land Subdivision and Site Plan Review.
[Added 1-7-1998]
In lieu of constructing certain lower income units, which would otherwise have been required in this zoning district, the Borough and a developer may agree to a contribution to the Borough's Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Such agreement shall be:
Subject to the Borough's discretion;
Consistent with the Borough's fair share obligation and substantive certification; and
Subject to review and approval of the New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) and its regulations.