The installation and maintenance of private service lines, excluding the mains and lines of the Brant Water District, shall be in accordance with the following provisions and specifications:
Inspection and fee. No private service line from a Water District pipe or main shall be installed, altered, replaced or used until the same has been inspected and approved by the Water Department. A fee (see Article XI) shall be paid to the Department upon filing each application for such inspection.
Street opening. No opening shall be made in any town highway, except with the consent and approval of the Town Superintendent of Highways and Town Engineer, upon such terms and conditions as they shall require, including the posting of a reasonable performance bond or other security, if in their reasonable judgment such bond is necessary. For this purpose, the Superintendent may prepare reasonable requirements for such openings to be filed with the Water Department and Highway Department.
Taps and connections. All connections to or taps of water mains for water service shall be made by the Water Department, except as hereinafter set forth. A receipt for tapping fees shall be on file with the Water Department in advance of making such connection or tap. The Water Department will determine the size of the taps inserted in any water main.
Line specifications.
All private lines shall be installed, maintained, altered or replaced with Type K copper tubing, which shall conform to American Society for Testing and Materials Designation B88, latest revision, of the following widths and thicknesses:
1 1/4
1 1/2
All joints in Type K copper tube service lines between the curb stop and the meter shall be made with compression or flared fittings.
Trenches. The service line shall be laid out not less than four feet below the established grade of the adjacent street or existing ground level, but where it is impractical to meet the Department requirement by reason of existing conditions, the Water Department may, upon application therefor, grant a permit for some other method of installation. All services lines shall be laid in a separate trench at least three feet distant horizontally from any other underground facility and in solid ground. The placing of water service lines in the same trench as that occupied by sewer pipe, gas pipe or other utility lateral connections will not be permitted except by special authorization of the Water Department in extraordinary cases, including where solid rock is encountered.
Tapping point. The Water Department shall designate the point at which the water main is to be tapped and also the position of the service pipe connection at the tap. The Water Department or contractor, with special permission from the Water Department, shall make necessary excavations for all taps, which shall be at least four feet square and not less than six inches below the main. Any taps not made by the Water Department must be inspected by the Water Department for approval.
Replacement of tap. No new tap shall be made to a water main to connect with a service line which is intended to replace an existing service line, unless the existing service line is properly disconnected at its tap to the water main. The expense of such disconnection shall be borne by the applicant.
Abandoned taps. Where a service line is abandoned, the service line must be shut off at the tap and disconnected at the expense of the owner.
Multiple users. There shall be a separate and distinct tap for the service of each premises supplied with water. Multiple taps to any one premises may be installed upon application of the owner, at the discretion of the Water Department.
Maintenance. All outside service lines, meter pits, building service pipes, outlets and fixtures shall be maintained in good order and repair, protected from frost, leaks and breaks, and must be promptly repaired by the owner if not in good order to prevent waste of water. If the owner fails to observe these requirements, the Water Department may shut off the water supply and assess the cost thereof against the real property affected, to be collected as part of the water rent. It is presumed that all the water passing through the meter servicing the customer's premises shall be the customer's responsibility. Loss of water due to natural causes, such as frost, rust, etc., and when the occupant and owner has made every attempt to repair or shut off as soon as the leak was noticed, will be paid for on an equal basis, that is, the customer pays 50% of the metered or estimated loss over and above normal use. Water lost because of the customer's inaction to correct will be at regular rates. In the event of dispute, the customer may request a hearing before the Town Board with the customer to bear the burden of proof in claims for sharing of water costs. The plumbing inside the meter pit is the responsibility of the homeowner. The saddle and meter couplings are the responsibility of the Water Department.