[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Florham Park 10-17-2013 by Ord. No. 13-10.[1]Amendments noted where applicable.]
Solicitation, canvassing and sales — See Ch. 179.
Retail establishments — See Ch. 191.
Signs — See Ch. 199.
Vehicles and traffic — See Ch. 238.
Zoning — See Ch. 250.
Sanitation — See Ch. 265.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also superseded former Ch. 140, Garage Sales, adopted 12-7-1999 by Ord. No. 23-99.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
All general sales open to the public conducted from or on a residential premises for the purpose of disposing, by sale, barter or otherwise, personal property, including but not limited to all sales entitled "garage," "lawn," "yard," "attic," "porch," "rummage," "room," "backyard," "patio," or "estate." This definition shall not include a situation where no more than three specific items are held out for sale, and all advertisements of such sale specifically name those items to be sold.
A temporary sign no larger than two feet by two feet indicating the location, time, and date of a garage sale within the Borough.
Includes natural persons, corporations, charitable or religious institutions or nonprofit corporations, homeowners' associations, unincorporated associations and family and neighborhood groups.
Property which is owned, utilized and maintained by an individual or members of his or her residence and acquired in the normal course of living or in maintaining that residence and not acquired elsewhere; no consignments.
It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct a garage sale in the Borough of Florham Park without first filing with the Borough Clerk the information hereinafter specified and obtaining from such Clerk a license to do so, to be known as a "garage sale license." The fee for such license shall be and the same is fixed hereby at $5.
Only two such licenses shall be issued to any one residence within a twelve-month period, and no such license shall be issued for more than three consecutive calendar days.
Each license issued under this chapter must be prominently displayed on the premises upon which the garage sale is conducted throughout the entire period of the licensed sale.
The person to whom such license is issued and the owner or tenant of the premises on which the sale or activity is conducted shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of good order and decorum on the premises during all hours of such sale or activity. No person shall permit any loud or boisterous conduct on said premises nor permit vehicles to impede the passage of traffic on any roads or streets in the area of such premises. All such persons shall obey the reasonable orders of the Police or Fire Departments in order to maintain the public health, safety and welfare.
Personal property offered for sale at a garage sale may be displayed in a driveway, or in a garage, or in the rear yard or lawns of the owner to tenant of the premises. No personal property offered for sale at a garage sale shall be displayed on any sidewalk, road, highway, street or public right-of-way.
No more than three garage sale signs may be posted off of the property where the sale is to be held.
Signs shall be limited in size to two feet by two feet.
Signs shall not be attached to trees, utility poles or traffic regulation signs.
Signs should not be posted on Borough-owned property.
Signs shall not be posted more than four days prior to the day of the sale and must be removed within 24 hours of the end of the sale.
Anyone who fails to comply with any of the above rules will be in violation of this chapter.
All garage sales shall be conducted between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, or 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Sunday.
For the purposes of this chapter, any person desiring to secure a permit to conduct a garage sale shall, at least one week prior to the date and time set for such sale, complete and submit to the Borough Clerk an application for the issuance of a permit and shall pay the required fee. Said application shall be in such form as the Borough may establish and contain the following information:
The name of the person, firm, group, corporation, association or organization conducting the sale.
The name of the owner of the property, the names of the person or persons and their addresses and telephone numbers if other than the owners, who will be participating in said garage sale and consent of the owner if the applicant is other than the owner.
The location at which the sale is to be conducted.
The dates and times of such sale.
The relationship or connection the applicant may have had with any other person, firm, group, organization, association or corporation conducting said sale and the date or dates of such sale.
Whether or not the applicant has been issued any other vendor's license by any local, state or federal agency.
A sworn statement of affirmation by the person signing that the information therein given is full and true and known to him to be so.
The Borough Clerk shall receive applications and the required filing fee and if, upon review of the application, the same is in compliance with the requirements of this chapter and any regulations promulgated hereunder, shall issue the permit, and said Clerk shall number the applications and permits in chronological order beginning with the current year and the number.
No permit issued by the Borough shall be to any other individual, nor shall the place of sale be changed without cancellation of the permit and issuance of a new permit upon application and payment of the required fee for the new location.
Sales shall not impede nor disrupt traffic or neighborhood parking regulations.
All unsold sale items must be removed from the premises or stored away at the end of the sale.
No tents or other structures larger than 10 feet by 10 feet shall be erected.
This chapter shall be enforced by the Florham Park Police Department.
Copies of the permit shall be provided to the Police Department upon issuance of the permit.
The permit holder is hereby made responsible for the maintenance of good order and decorum on the premises during the hours of such garage sale.
No permit holder shall permit any loud or boisterous conduct on the premises where the sale is being held or permit vehicles to impede passage of the traffic on any roads or streets in the area of the premises where the sale is being conducted.
Any person, family group, corporation or other entity conducting any such sale or similar activity without being properly permitted therefor or who shall violate or fail to comply with any terms and provisions of this chapter or any other rules, regulations or provisions adopted or approved by the Council shall be deemed in violation of this chapter and shall be punishable in a fine not to exceed $300 per offense. Each day that such sale or violation continues without being permitted shall be considered and shall constitute a separate offense.