[Amended 2-15-2018 by Ord. No. 18-2; 11-14-2022 by Ord. No. 22-16]
The permitted uses in a B-1 Business Zone are as follows:
Bank or other financial institution.
Office, office building and medical clinic, including veterinary clinics.
Restaurant and tavern.
Retail sales, retail services, personal care services, and pet care services.
Retail shopping center consisting of a group of retail stores and personal service shops within a single building, which shall be deemed a single use for the purpose of this article as long as the building exists.
Meeting halls and clubhouses of nonprofit organizations.
Funeral homes.
Commercial recreation conducted entirely within an enclosed building.
Municipal facilities or uses.
Educational training services, as defined under § 250-2.2.
The permitted accessory uses in a B-1 Business District, in other than retail shopping centers, shall be as follows:
Garage and parking space.
Private garage space for the storage of commercial vehicles used in conjunction with a permitted business.
Off-street parking space for the use of patrons and employees of a permitted business.
Accessory uses and structures which are incidental to the principal use and structure, including a satellite antenna as a ground installation, subject to Planning Board approval.
Charitable clothing bins.
[Added 5-19-2009 by Ord. No. 09-7]
The permitted accessory uses in a B-1 Zone for retail shopping centers shall be as follows:
Accessory uses and structures which are incidental to the operation of the shopping center, including a satellite antenna as a ground installation, subject to the approval of the Planning Board.
Charitable clothing bins.
[Added 5-19-2009 by Ord. No. 09-7]
Area, yard and building requirements for a B-1 Zone shall be as specified in § 250-9.[1]
Editor's Note: See the Schedule of Area, Yard and Building Requirements at the end of this chapter.
In any case, as a minimum, in order to assure compatibility of new building construction or alterations of existing buildings, the building design standards in this section shall be adhered to, except that the Planning Board may grant waivers of specific requirements on a showing of unavoidable hardship by the developer.
[Amended 11-14-2022 by Ord. No. 22-16]
[2]Where existing or former residential structures are altered or are converted to commercial use, such alterations shall maintain the residential appearance of the building, such that the exterior is consistent with actual residential use. No new siding material shall be applied over existing siding, except aluminum or textured vinyl maintaining the appearance of the original siding.
Editor's Note: Former Subsections C through E, regarding exterior walls and roofs finish, were repealed 11-14-2022 by Ord. No. 22-16. This ordinance also renumbered former Subsections F through J as Subsections C through F, respectively.
No detention basin shall be permitted in the front yard of a lot in the B-1 Zone.
Notwithstanding the maximum building height requirements, it is permitted that any office building may be erected not to extend higher than 50 feet above finished grade, upon the condition that, for each five-foot increase above the ordinance maximum, there shall be added three feet to the minimum front setback requirements.
No rooftop mechanical structures shall be permitted in the B-1 Zone, without Planning Board or Board of Adjustment approval. All mechanicals shall be adequately screened so as to conceal them.
The following general provisions and requirements shall apply within a B-1 Zone:
Driveways. Not more than two driveways, of not less than 24 feet nor more than 30 feet in width, as a means of ingress for parking areas shall be permitted for each 300 feet of frontage upon a public street, nor shall any driveway be located closer than 50 feet to the intersection of two public streets. No public street shall be used to provide direct access to parking stalls.
Loading and unloading areas. Truck loading and unloading areas shall be provided in sufficient amount to permit the transfer of goods and products in other than a public street or parking area.
Buffer areas.
Wherever the property line of a lot in the B-1 Zone abuts or is across a street from a residential zone, a buffer area shall be established within the B-1 Zone, which shall include an area of land 50 feet wide, as measured from the zone line. Within the buffer area, no use, activity, sign or placement of equipment shall be established other than the following:
Such driveways as are necessary to provide direct means of ingress and egress for the parking areas, subject to the restrictions set forth in Subsection A of this section, with minimal intrusion upon the buffer area.
Directional signs in conjunction with the driveways which are necessary for the proper guidance and control of vehicular traffic, provided that not more than one such sign is erected in conjunction with each driveway and that the size and placement conform to state, county and Borough standards.
Within the buffer area, a solid and continuous landscaping shall be planted and maintained. The landscaping shall consist of lawn, massed conifer and deciduous trees and shrubs of such species and size as will produce, within two growing seasons, a screen at least four feet in height and of such density as will obscure, throughout the full course of the year, all of the glare of automobile headlights emitted from the premises, except from the driveway. Landscaping within the buffer area shall not satisfy any other landscaping requirement of this chapter.
The required height of the landscape screen as required above shall be measured in relation to the elevation of the edge of the adjacent parking area. In such cases where the ground elevation of the location at which the screen is to be planted is less than the elevation of the edge of adjacent parking area, the required height of the screen shall be increased in an amount equal to this difference in elevation. In the event that the ground elevation of the location at which the screen is to be planted is greater than that at the edge of the adjacent parking area, the required height of the screen may be reduced in an amount equal to the difference in elevation, provided that in no case shall the required height be reduced to less than two feet.
The remainder of the area and all required yard areas not occupied by parking areas shall be graded and planted with grass seed or sod and such shrubbery or trees as may be desired by the owner and approved by the Planning Board. The entire area shall be attractively maintained and kept free of all debris and rubbish.
In the event that any of the plantings in accordance with the above requirements do not live or are removed, they shall be replaced within one year.
Buffer strips. Where buffer area requirements do not specifically apply, there shall nonetheless be a landscaped strip along the property lines of a width of at least ten feet.
Distance between principal buildings. Within the Business Zone, no principal building shall be located within 20 feet of any other principal building located either on the same or on a separate lot (exception: strip malls).
Outside storage or display. No articles or materials shall be kept, stored, or displayed outside the confines of a building, except in accordance with § 250-25A. Outdoor storage or display is permitted on the sidewalk appurtenant to the entrance of the building for the purpose of conducting business during business hours only. No articles or materials placed outside during business hours may be placed or stored in such a way as to block any sidewalk by obstructing the same so that it is impossible for a pedestrian to travel along the sidewalk without leaving the sidewalk and walking on adjacent property or on the street, or so as to leave a passageway of less than four feet for such pedestrian traffic.
[Amended 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 16-02]
Refuse storage facilities. All refuse storage facilities must be enclosed maintained, landscaped and screened from view by landscaping and fencing. The facilities shall include space for storing recyclable materials, the area of which shall be consistent with the volume of materials expected to be generated by the use.