Any person owning or being in charge of any animal which has bitten or attacked any person shall immediately and closely confine such animal so that it may not approach or be approached by any other animal or any unfamiliar person until it has been inspected by the Health Inspector of the Board of Health; and as soon as it is reasonably possible, but no longer than 12 hours after such bite or attack, the owner or person in charge of such animal shall report to the Board of Health the principal facts of the incident, or, if no Board of Health official can be reached, the report shall be made to the Police Department.
Upon receipt of such notification, the Health Officer shall order the examination of the animal by a licensed veterinarian. The Health Officer shall also serve formal notice, as required under the state law, that the animal must be confined for at least 10 days after the date of the bite or attack, except that, if, upon evaluation, the Health Officer believes that other immediate or special action is necessary, he is empowered to take such action and shall immediately advise the Board of such action. The veterinarian report must be sent to the Health Officer within five days of a bite.
At the end of the isolation period, if, in the opinion of the Health Officer, the animal is found to be normally healthy, it may be released from isolation. No such animal shall be destroyed during the isolation period, except by permission of the Board of Health.
Any person knowing or suspecting that any animal in his possession has been bitten or attacked by an animal known to have or suspected of having rabies shall immediately confine such animal and notify the Board of Health or, if no official can be reached, the Police Department. Upon receipt of such notification, the Health Officer shall direct what further steps shall be taken with respect to such animal.
It shall be the duty of every person who detects in any animal the symptoms of rabies to confine the animal and immediately notify the Board of Health of his suspicions and of the whereabouts of the confinement.
It shall be the duty of any person who suspects or has reason to suspect that a dead animal within his knowledge or possession has been rabid or has been bitten by an animal known to have been rabid to immediately report these suspicions to the Board of Health.
Any person who has been bitten or attacked by any animal in the Borough and any physician or other such person who has been consulted by or has treated any person who has been bitten or attacked by any animal shall, within 12 hours of becoming aware of such incident, report the circumstances to the Board of Health or the Police Department.