[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee (now Township Council) of the Township of Pohatcong 2-4-1975. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Administration of government - See Ch. 4.
Civil service — See Ch. 10.
The duties and terms of employment of the officers and employees of the Township of Pohatcong, except as otherwise provided by statute, shall be as set forth in ordinances of the governing body. The hours of employment and other information pertaining to the offices and positions of said township shall be set forth in resolutions of the governing body.
[Amended 11-7-1989]
The full-time employees of Pohatcong Township shall be paid biweekly on alternate Thursdays. Payments to full-time employees for overtime similarly shall be made biweekly on alternate Thursdays, provided that any request for overtime payment must be received by the Township Treasurer by 4:00 p.m. on the Friday before the next payday in order to be eligible for payment at that time. Any requests for overtime which are received later than the time described in the preceding sentence shall not be processed until the next pay period. Part-time employees shall be paid monthly.
Editor's Note: The salaries and compensation of all officers and employees of the Township of Pohatcong are as set forth in the annual Salary Ordinance, as amended. The currently effective Salary Ordinance of the Township of Pohatcong is on file in the office of the Township Clerk and is available for examination during office hours.
At the first meeting of the governing body in January of each year, there shall be approved an account to be designated the "Township of Pohatcong Payroll Account," and from time to time the Treasurer shall deposit in said Payroll Account the appropriate budgetary amounts therewith. The Treasurer shall thereafter draw checks on said Payroll Account to the employees entitled to payment therefrom.
At each regular meeting of the governing body the Treasurer shall submit for approval or ratification the necessary payrolls for the amounts due the officers and employees for compensation. The payroll shall be considered by the governing body and approved if found to be correct. In case of error or adjustment in the payroll, the Treasurer shall, and it shall be his duty to, correct such error or adjustment and make an appropriate record thereof.
[Added 10-13-1992]
Upon final passage and publication of the within ordinance, an employee of the Township of Pohatcong who shall become injured or ill due to the performance of his or her duties, which injury or illness shall produce temporary disability, shall receive 70% of his or her weekly wages at the time of the injury or illness. This is subject to the limitation of 75% of the average weekly wages earned by all employees covered under the unemployment compensation law.
Said ordinance and provisions shall not apply to the personnel in the Pohatcong Township Police Department PBA and shall apply to temporary disabilities only.