[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Pohatcong 4-11-2000 by Ord. No. 00-20. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Land use procedures — See Ch. 45.
Critical geologic areas — See Ch. 115.
Quarrying — See Ch. 213.
Site improvement standards — See Ch. 224.
Soil erosion and sediment control — See Ch. 233.
Subdivision and site plan review — See Ch. 245.
Zoning — See Ch. 285.
No person shall perform any earthwork, including the excavation of soil or rock on a site or the placement of fill of any kind on any lot within the Township of Pohatcong without first having obtained a permit from the Township Zoning Officer.
The following activities are not required to obtain a permit under this chapter:
Excavation or filling of an area of less than 5,000 square feet.
Excavation or filling in connection with the construction or alteration of a single-family residential dwelling.
Excavation or filling in conjunction with a subdivision or site plan which has been approved by the Pohatcong Township Planning Board or Board of Adjustment.
Excavation or filling upon lands enrolled in the Soil Conservation Program of the Northeastern New Jersey Soil Conservation District of the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service and for which lands an "Approved Farm Plan" has been established by said agency, provided that all soil moving operations in and upon such lands are performed in accordance with said "Approved Farm Plan."
Quarrying operations which are legally licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 213, Quarrying, of the Pohatcong Township Code.
The matter of reviewing and considering all applications for excavation permits is hereby referred to the Planning Board of the Township of Pohatcong. The Zoning Officer of said Township shall issue no excavation permit until the Planning Board approves the same and submits to the Zoning Officer its report and recommendation.
On forms prescribed and supplied by the Planning Board, the applicant shall set forth therein:
His name and address.
The name and address of the owner or owners of said lands and premises.
A description of the lands and premises, giving the frontage of same on any public streets or roads; the area of same, and the lot and block number of said tract on the Tax Map of said Township.
The purpose or reason for said excavation or fill.
Fifteen copies of a map prepared by a licensed engineer or surveyor of the State of New Jersey, showing the tract with dimensions and all roads, buildings, streams or bodies of water within 300 feet thereof; the names of the adjoining owners and the existing and proposed contours of the lands at a two-foot contour interval.
All wooded areas and trees having a diameter of six inches or more at the base shall be set forth on said map.
A statement of the type of equipment and apparatus to be used in the operation.
A statement of the hours within which the operations will be conducted.
The kind and quantity in cubic yards of the material to be moved.
The proposed date of completion of the work.
Certification that stakes are placed at each corner of the premises from which the excavation is to be made, and further that grade stakes have been placed at the existing elevation points designated on the topographical map clearly marked to indicate the excavation cuts or fill.
Proposed provisions and facilities for surface water drainage and, where applicable, channels of any streams, bodies of water and watercourses, natural or artificial, including detailed cross sections showing proposed channel widths, bank slopes and methods of erosion and control thereof.
Such other pertinent data as the Planning Board may, by resolution, hereafter require.
Said application shall bear the signature of the applicant and the endorsement of the owner or owners of said lands and premises, signifying approval of the application, and the owner shall consent thereof that, in the event of the failure of the applicant to do so, said owners will cause the proposed work to be completed or otherwise terminated in keeping with the purposes and objectives of this chapter.
Prior to the commencement of any earth moving activities on the site, approval by the Warren County Soil Conservation District of a soil erosion and sediment control plan shall be required for any disturbance of greater than 5,000 square feet.
No topsoil shall be removed from any lot in the Township unless documentation is provided by the applicant that there is sufficient remaining topsoil to cover all disturbed areas of the lot at a minimum thickness of six inches. Only excess topsoil which is not needed for redistribution on disturbed areas of the lot may be removed from the lot to another lot within the Township, subject to the filing of an erosion and sediment control plan for the destination point of the topsoil. Topsoil shall not be permitted to be removed from the Township.
Subsoil and rock which have been excavated from the site may be removed from the property subject to the filing of an erosion and sediment control plan for the destination point of the material, if the destination is within the Township.
Any fill material which is brought onto the site must be "clean fill" and the applicant shall provide documentation that the material contains no contaminants or hazardous materials.
Blasting. Blasting and the use of explosives in conjunction with soil or rock removal shall be permitted provided that all aspects of blasting and the use and storage of explosives shall, at all times, be in accordance with the provisions of the Explosives Act (N.J.S.A. 21:1A-128 et seq.)
The Underground Facility Protection Act (N.J.S.A. 48:2-73 et seq.) requires all excavators to notify the One-Call Damage Prevention System prior to any excavation.
The applicant shall take care to ensure during hauling operations that soil or rock is not deposited on the public roadways. The applicant shall be responsible to remove any materials which have been deposited or tracked onto public roadways. Roadways shall be broom-cleaned on a daily basis and if dust persists, streets may be required to be hosed clean. The Township may also require the applicant to spread dust-inhibiting chemicals.
The applicant shall, to the greatest extent practical, preserve existing wooded areas and significant individual trees on the site.
Proper provisions shall be provided for control of surface water drainage. Existing drainage patterns on the site shall be maintained and stormwater runoff shall not be diverted from one watershed to another.
Upon the filing of an application, the applicant shall pay an application fee and a professional review escrow deposit in accordance with Chapter 45, Land Use Procedures.
The Township Engineer shall make an inspection of the site from which the material is to be moved and shall make such engineering studies as may be required to determine the effect of the removal of material from the location as it relates to:
Soil erosion by water and wind.
Surface and subsurface water drainage.
Soil fertility.
Lateral support of abutting streets and lands.
Public health and safety.
Such other factors as may bear upon or relate to the coordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of the Township.
The Township Engineer shall also inspect the aforesaid site to determine whether the applicant has carried out all of the requirements set forth in this chapter.
The Planning Board shall, within a reasonable time after receipt of the application, fix a date for hearing of same and shall give the applicant, by registered mail, notice of the time and place of said hearing. The applicant shall, at least 10 days prior to the date appointed for such hearing, serve another notice, either in person or by certified mail, return receipt requested, upon such persons as are shown by the assessment rolls of the Township of Pohatcong to be the owners of property within 200 feet of the property in question. The applicant shall, at the hearing, present proof, in affidavit form, of the service of said notices.
The Planning Board shall review and consider the application and shall render its report and recommendation to the Zoning Officer, who shall grant or refuse the permit in accordance with the recommendation. Such report and recommendation shall be made within 60 days after the receipt of the application.
In the event of refusal, the applicant may, not later than 30 days after the receipt by him of such refusal, appeal to the Township Council. The Township Council may, by a majority vote of its entire membership, sustain or overrule the Planning Board's recommendation.
The excavation permit shall be dated as of the date it is actually issued and shall expire in one year.
No person to whom an excavation permit shall be issued shall:
Conduct or maintain any sand, gravel or similar kind of pit, any sand or gravel washing or screening machinery or equipment or any quarry or similar business or industry not permitted in the district in which the premises are located and classified by Chapter 285, Zoning, of Pohatcong Township.
Conduct or maintain any excavation or soil moving operations without having first made adequate provisions, by means of road oil or otherwise, for the control of dust incidental to the use of vehicles, machinery and equipment on the lands described in the permit.
Neglect to dispose of, on or before the completion date stated in the application, any partially or wholly excavated boulders or other debris resulting from the soil moving operations, by burial or removal from the premises.
Conduct any excavation or filling operations beyond the expiration date of the permit.
No permit shall be issued unless the applicant shall file and maintain a bond during the time required for the excavation of the materials described in the application, which bond shall be approved as to form and surety by the Township Attorney and in such amount as in the opinion of the Township Engineer shall be sufficient to ensure the faithful performance of the work and matters required of the applicant pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
For the purpose of administering and enforcing this chapter, any duly authorized officers, agents or employees of the Township of Pohatcong shall have the right to enter into, upon and over any lands in and upon which the above designated excavation operations are being conducted, to examine and inspect same.
Any person who shall violate this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine not exceeding $500 or be imprisoned in the county jail for a term not exceeding 90 days, or both, for each offense, in the discretion of the court. Each day that a violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offense.