[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Pohatcong 3-7-2006 by Ord. No. 06-2; amended in its entirety 4-9-2020 by Ord. No. 20-03. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
For violation of any ordinance set forth in the Code of the Township of Pohatcong, the Court before which any person is convicted of violating any ordinance may impose a sentence of one or more of the following: imprisonment in the county jail for any term not exceeding 90 days; or by a fine not exceeding $2,000; or by a period of community service not exceeding 90 days.
Any person convicted of violating an ordinance within one year of the date of a previous violation of the same ordinance shall be sentenced to an additional fine as a repeat offender of not less than $100, in addition to any other sentence imposed by the Court.
The minimum penalty for violating any solid waste disposal ordinance shall have a minimum fine of $500 and a maximum fine of $10,000.
The minimum fine for the violation of any ordinance not relating to solid waste disposal shall be $50, unless otherwise established with respect to a specific ordinance. In no event shall the minimum fine exceed $100, or the maximum fine $2,000.
Prior to imposing a fine for a housing or zoning code violation in an amount greater than $1,250, the owner shall be provided a thirty-day period within which to cure or abate the condition.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances of the Township of Pohatcong heretofore adopted that establish a minimum fine or maximum fine inconsistent with the fines established pursuant to this chapter are hereby repealed to the extent of the inconsistency.