This article applies to all districts within the Town of Niagara.
This section establishes certain minimum standards for the initial and continued occupancy and use of all structures and does not replace or modify standards otherwise established for the construction, repair, alteration or use of the structure, the premises or the equipment or facilities contained therein, as are required by the Building Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 155, Fire Prevention and Building Construction.
Exterior standards. The exterior of the premises and the condition of structures shall be maintained so that the premises and all buildings shall reflect a level of maintenance in keeping with the standards of the community and shall in all other respects comply with all applicable Town, county and state codes.
Foundations, porches, decks, steps and walls shall be in good condition.
Vent attachments shall be safe, durable, smoke-tight and capable of withstanding the action of flue gases.
Exterior balconies, porches, landings, stairs and fire escapes shall be provided with banisters or railings properly designed and maintained to minimize the hazard of falling and unsightly appearance.
All storefronts and walls exposed to public view shall be keep in a good state of repair. Storefronts or any portion of the structure shall not show evidence of excessive weathering or deterioration of any nature. Unoccupied storefronts shall be maintained in a clean and neat appearance.
Any awnings or marquees and accompanying structural members shall be maintained in a good state of repair. In the event that said awnings or marquees are made of cloth, plastic or of similar material and are exposed to public view, such material shall not show evidence of excessive weathering, discoloration, ripping, tearing, holes or other deterioration. Nothing herein shall be construed to authorize any encroachment on streets, sidewalks or other parts of the public domain.
All vacant buildings shall be continuously guarded or sealed and kept secure against unauthorized entry. Materials and methods with which such buildings are sealed must meet the approval of the Code Enforcement Officer. Owners of such buildings shall take such steps and perform such acts as may be required to ensure that the building and its adjoining yards remain safe and secure and do not present a hazard to adjoining property or to the public and that such property does not become infested with vermin or rodents.
Exterior walls, including doors and windows and the areas around doors, windows, chimneys and other parts of the building, shall be so maintained as to keep water from entering the building. Materials which have been damaged or show evidence of dry rot or other deterioration shall be repaired or replaced and refinished using acceptable workmanship standards.
All exposed exterior surfaces shall be maintained free of broken or cracked glass, loose shingles or loose or crumbling stones or bricks, loose shutters, railings, aerials, excessive peeling paint or other conditions reflective of deterioration or inadequate maintenance. Said conditions shall be corrected by repair or removal. All exposed exterior surfaces of structures not inherently resistant to deterioration shall be coated, treated or sealed to protect them from deterioration or weathering. Wood, masonry or other exterior materials that will naturally resist deterioration do not have to be treated, but must be otherwise maintained in a sound, secure workmanlike manner. Exterior surfaces that have been painted or otherwise coated must be maintained in a neat, serviceable manner. Floors, walls, ceilings, stairs and fixtures of buildings shall be maintained in a manner so as to prevent the collapse of the same or injury to the occupants of the building or to the public.
Roof drains, overflow pipes, air-conditioning drains and any other device used to channel water off or out of a building shall be maintained in a clean, safe and sanitary condition. Every floor, exterior wall, roof, porch or appurtenance thereto shall be maintained in a safe and operable condition and shall not drain onto a public sidewalk, walkway, street, alleyway or adjoining property.
Lawns shall be cut, and bushes, shrubs and hedges shall be trimmed regularly during the growing season so as to avoid an unsightly appearance.
Yard areas.
Surface or subsurface water shall be appropriately drained to protect buildings and structures and to prevent the development of stagnant ponds.
Fences and other minor construction shall be maintained in a safe and substantial condition.
Steps, walks, driveways, parking spaces and similar paved areas shall be maintained so as to afford safe passage under normal use and weather conditions. Any holes or other hazards that may exist shall be filled and necessary repairs or replacement carried out.
Business structures.
Business units shall at all times be maintained in compliance with the provision of this code regulating open spaces, buildings or structures and littering.
No outside storage or accumulation of garbage, crates, rubbish, refuse or debris shall be permitted at any time, and all such garbage, crates, rubbish, refuse or debris shall be kept inside the building or buildings on the premises or in an acceptable enclosure and shall be regularly collected and removed from the premises.
All fences and planting areas installed on the premises shall be maintained by the owner of the property. Such maintenance shall include but not be limited to the replacement of trees and shrubs which may die and/or otherwise be destroyed, the maintenance and cutting of lawns and the replacement and/or repair of fences which may become in disrepair.
Persons owning or occupying property shall keep all walkways, public or private, abutting said premises free from litter and trash of whatever nature.