[Adopted 9-10-1998]
In order to efficiently oversee the operation of the Derby Superior Courthouse, there is established an Aldermanic Courthouse Subcommittee.
The Subcommittee shall consist of the Administration Committee and the City Treasurer.
The legal and financial affairs of the Subcommittee shall be administered by the Corporation Counsel and City Treasurer with consent and approval of the Subcommittee.
The Subcommittee shall be responsible for all business, affairs and correspondence necessary to coordinate the lease arrangement for the Courthouse between the City of Derby and the State of Connecticut.
The Subcommittee shall, on a biannual basis beginning in March of 1988, furnish to the Mayor and the Boards of Aldermen and Apportionment and Taxation a full report of all financial transactions and accounts.
The Treasurer shall have authority to pay bills up to $1,000. The Subcommittee shall have the authority to pay bills up to $2,000. Any bills in excess of this amount must first be brought before the Board of Aldermen for discussion and vote.
The accounts of the Derby Superior Courthouse shall be kept separate and exclusive, and the Treasurer shall have the authority to transfer between accounts.
The Subcommittee shall have the authority to employ a secretary, provided that the position is for no more than five hours per week and that all costs for such position are paid for from the Courthouse accounts.