[Adopted 9-23-1976 as Art. III of Ch. 4 of the Charter and Revised Ordinances]
Moving pictures may be exhibited in the city on Sundays between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.
The owner or manager of any theater or opera house shall be required to have in attendance at every performance or gathering held on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays either a regular or a supernumerary member of the Police Department of this city, who shall before the opening of such theater or opera house see that all exits are unlocked and all fire escapes are ready for immediate use and that such exits remain unlocked and such fire escapes are ready for immediate use during the entire performance or gathering. Such officer shall also see that the laws of this state pertaining to theaters and opera houses, attendance thereat and productions, performances and exhibitions therein are observed by the management. The policeman shall render a report to the Chief of Police weekly, certifying whether these instructions were carried out in detail.
The owner or manager of a theater or opera house shall pay for the services of such policeman at his regular rate of pay as the same may be fixed by this Code or other ordinance of the city, and the City Clerk shall render a bill for the same monthly.