[Adopted 9-23-1976 as Art. I of Ch. 5 of the Charter and Revised Ordinances]
No person shall feed or leave any animal in any street unless such animal is securely fastened or in charge of some person of sufficient age and discretion to control such animal.
No person shall keep any swine, goats or fowl in any place or manner which, in the opinion of the Health Officer, may become a menace or nuisance to any other person.
No person shall keep or harbor any dog which attacks, threatens to attack or frightens any person or any animal upon any sidewalk or highway or which, by loud or excessive barking or howling, causes annoyance to any person or persons living in the vicinity where such dog is kept.
Any person may take into his custody and convey to the Dog Warden any dog found loose or at large in violation of any provision of law.
The Pound Keeper shall be paid a fee of $2 for answering each call or complaint as directed by the Police Department of the city. The Police Department shall keep a record of each call and complaint assigned to such Pound Keeper. If, as a result of such a call or complaint, an animal is impounded, the Pound Keeper shall receive a fee of $5 for each animal so impounded.