[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Alderman of the City of Derby 12-10-1987; amended 6-10-1993. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
It is the intent and purpose of this chapter to allow for the rapid and easy identification by number of the buildings in the City of Derby to facilitate postal delivery and to enable emergency services, such as police, fire fighters and ambulances, to locate buildings requiring such services.
Each building, including but not limited to residential house, store, factory, office building, apartment house or complex or other multiunit complex, shall have placed upon it by its owner a building number which shall correspond to the street address number for the building. The City Engineer shall assign a building number to each building and shall notify each building owner of the assigned number. The number to be affixed shall be not less than three inches in height and shall be visible from the street on which the building is located. The number shall be located on the top or on the sides of the main entrance of the building facing the street. In the event that a building is more than 50 feet from the street on which it is located, the owner shall, in addition to displaying the number on the building, display the same number on a mailbox, fence or post located immediately to the side of the appropriate driveway or sidewalk by which access is gained to the building, so that the number of the building is visible from the street. If a mailbox is numbered, the number shall be placed on both sides of the mailbox and shall be not less than three inches high. If a fence or post is numbered, the number shall be not less than three inches high and easily visible from the street.
The owner of each building that contains multiple units, such as apartments, condominiums, stores or offices, shall place upon the building the number and, if applicable, the name of the building, in a size and style and at a location approved by the Chief of the Derby Fire Department in conjunction with the Derby Fire Marshal.
[Added 7-18-1996]
The Fire Marshal shall notify, by certified mail, any person who fails to put the number in accordance with the provisions of this chapter §§  68-1 through 68-3. The Fire Marshal shall permit said person 15 days after the date of the notice to comply with §§  68-1 through 68-3. If said person fails to comply within said time frame, the Fire Marshal shall inform the Chief of Police for enforcement action.
Any person who violates this chapter shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $10 for each day of the violation.