[Adopted 9-23-1976 as Art. I of Ch. 11 of the Charter and Revised Ordinances]
Any person who shall knowingly give a false alarm of fire or who shall knowingly give or cause to be given the fire signal known as the "recall" when any fire alarm has been given and the fire for which such alarm has been given has not been extinguished and any person who shall in any way tamper with the fire alarm telegraph system or any part thereof shall be fined as provided in § 1-14.
The Fire Commissioner or the Fire Chief or some proper person appointed by the Fire Commissioner shall inspect not less than once every three months all buildings used or intended for the conduct of any business therein, except such buildings as are wholly used for manufacturing purposes, including all places of amusement, halls of public assemblies, lodging houses and boardinghouses accommodating more than 12 persons and tenement houses occupied by more than five families and shall inspect at least once each year tenement houses occupied by from three to five families, both inclusive, to secure the enforcement of the provisions of the General Statutes, the Charter, this Code or other ordinance relating to fire escapes and the prevention of fires.
The Fire Commissioner shall keep a record of all inspections provided for in this article. The officer or person making the inspections provided for shall, while engaged in such duties, wear a fireman's uniform, and such person shall be paid at the rate of $5 per day.
The Fire Commissioner may, upon inquiry, approve any bill or part thereof relating to or contracted in behalf of the Department, including any bill resulting from any property or physical injury or any sickness suffered by any member of the Fire Department resulting from the faithful discharge of duty of such member, including any expense incurred by any member in defending any action brought on account of any act of any such member in the faithful discharge of duty, which bill or part thereof so approved shall be paid by the city; provided, however, that any claim for any such payment made by, on account of or for any such member shall be made to the Fire Commissioner within a reasonable time after such injuries or other cause or causes for such claim shall have occurred or begun, and if claim therefor shall not have been made within such reasonable time, such member shall be deemed to have waived claim therefor.
The Board of Apportionment and Taxation shall annually appropriate the sum of $10,000 for fire apparatus.
The officer or person inspecting any property shall, upon finding any violation of any law relating to fire escapes or prevention of fires, give notice, in writing, to the owner or to the agent of the owner of such property of such violation, and if such owner or agent shall neglect to comply with the provisions of law concerning which notice of violation has been given within a reasonable time, a report of such violation shall be made to the City Attorney, who shall cause presentment to be made of the person making or causing any such violation, who shall be fined as provided in § 1-14.