[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Alderman of the City of Derby 8-8-1985. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Department of Public Works — See Ch. 40.
Sewers — See Ch. 154.
The water pollution control system is operated and maintained for the residents and property owners of the City of Derby, and only the sanitary wastes generated within the City of Derby will be allowed to be disposed at the water pollution control plant.
All commercially licensed septage haulers must make application for a commercial permit for each vehicle used. All permits will be renewed on December 31 of each calendar year.
Procedure for disposal of septage shall be as follows:
Property owner or hauler must go to the Department of Public Works and obtain a permit to dump septic tank contents prior to having said tank pumped out.
A septage hauler must:
Obtain a member of the water pollution control plant staff to verify sample taking.
Have the pH tested for compliance with a requirement of 5.5 to 9.0 and receive a color-coded slip from the water pollution control plant.
Weigh in at a scale designated by the City of Derby.
Discharge its load in an area designated by the water pollution control plant superintendent.
A levy of $25 will be charged for a tank load up to 1,200 gallons and $0.02 for each additional gallon over a one-thousand-two-hundred-gallon tank load, provided that the pH of the load is within the parameters of 6.5 to 8.0.
For loads outside the pH limitations of 6.5 to 8.0 yet still within the overall limitations (5.5 to 9.0), a charge of $60 for a tank load up to 1,200 gallons will be assessed and $0.05 for each additional gallon over a one-thousand-two-hundred-gallon tank load.
Materials not acceptable for disposal shall be any material other than contents of sanitary septic tanks, including but not limited to industrial treatment process residues or sludges, chemicals, hazardous or toxic wastes, oils, greases or other petroleum by-products. The Superintendent or his appointed designee will have final authority for acceptance or rejection of a septage load.
Billings will be prepared monthly and are due and payable within 30 days.
Delinquent payments in excess of 60 days after the date of billing will result in suspension of all disposal privileges until full payment is made.
Hours of the water pollution control plant are 7:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 7:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. on Saturday.
Emergency dumps will be accomplished by having the septage hauler obtain a signed statement from the resident certifying the time, date and place of the emergency pumpout. The hauler will be required to go to the Department of Public Works on the next workday and obtain a permit to dispose of the contents and attach the emergency verification to it. Disposal procedures will be the same as listed in § 151-3 of these rules and regulations. Should disposal of these emergency pumpouts be required after hours, the hauler may have the Derby Police Department call in a member of the staff to open the facility and analyze the sample. Gallonage will be based on best estimate or truck sight gauges, if so equipped. Overtime costs for said callouts will be borne by the hauler through billing by the city. At no time will disposal be allowed in any area other than that specified in § 151-3B(4) of these rules and regulations.
Owners of travel campers who comply with the residency requirement of these rules and regulations may dump the contents of holding tanks for these vehicles at no charge, provided that the pH of the tank is between 6.5 and 8.0. Contents outside of these ranges will be billed at the rate of $0.05 per gallon. Permits to dump must be obtained from the office of the Department of Public Works.
Any person who violates any provisions of these rules and regulations shall be subject to suspension of disposal privileges and, if so deemed necessary, subject to notification to the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
The foregoing rules and regulations may be revised and/or amended by the Director of Public Works acting under the authority delegated by the Board of Aldermen.
In the event of any questions as to the interpretations of any of the provisions of the preceding rules and regulations, the decision of the Board of Aldermen or its agent is final.