[Adopted 11-17-1983]
The Board of Aldermen of the City of Derby deems it to be in the interest of the citizens of the City of Derby to provide for the establishment of a limited residential parking permit program within the Griffin Hospital area, to ensure primary access to available parking spaces to neighborhood residents, to reduce hazardous traffic conditions resulting from the use of streets within said area for vehicles parked by persons not residing therein and to promote the peace, comfort, convenience and welfare of the residents therein.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
That designated residential district more particularly designated on a map entitled "Proposed Parking Restrictions Vicinity of Griffin Hospital" on file in the office of the Clerk of the City of Derby, where curbside parking on public highways is limited to not more than two consecutive hours between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on weekdays, except holidays, unless the vehicle properly displays a parking permit authorized by this article.
The standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, upon a highway otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers or loading or unloading merchandise or in obedience to traffic regulations, traffic signs or signals.
A person who owns or leases real property within said residential area of which he is not a resident, but owns or engages a business enterprise or professional office maintained at that address. For the purpose of this article, a "proprietor" shall be entitled to one parking permit for said business or professional office address.
A person who owns or leases real property within said residential area and who maintains either a voting residence or a bona fide occupancy, or both, at that address.
A contiguous or nearly contiguous area containing public highways or parts thereof primarily abutted by residential property or residential and nonbusiness property (such as schools, parks, churches, hospitals and nursing homes).
The Chief of Police shall issue appropriate permits and shall cause parking signs to be enacted in said area. Said area shall be clearly designated and indicate that parking is limited to not more than two consecutive hours between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. daily, unless the vehicle properly displays a parking permit as authorized by this article. A permit shall be issued, upon application and payment of the applicable fee, only to those who are residents or proprietors as defined herein. A separate permit shall be required for each motor vehicle.
The application for a permit shall contain:
The name and address of the permittee;
The make, model, license plate number and registration number of the vehicle; and
The signature of the permittee for the residential parking permit.
The permit shall be renewable annually.
All parking permits shall be displayed on or about the front windshield of the vehicle so as to be easily visible from outside the vehicle. Such parking permits shall contain the following.
The numerical designation of the residential parking permit area;
The name and address of the resident to whom the parking permit was issued; and
The expiration date of the parking permit.
A parking permit shall not guarantee or reserve a parking space within the designated residential parking permit area. A parking permit shall not authorize the standing or parking of any vehicle in such places and during such times as the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles and shall not excuse the observance of any traffic regulations, other than the two-hour parking limit enforced in the residential parking permit area.
Whenever the holder of a parking permit, or the vehicle for which the parking permit was issued, no longer fulfills one or more of the applicable provisions of this article controlling issuance, renewal or transfer of parking permits, the holder shall so notify the Police Chief who may then direct the holder to surrender the parking permit.
Until its expiration, surrender or revocation, a parking permit shall remain valid for such time as the holder continues to reside with the designated residential parking permit area.
A parking permit shall be valid only in the designated residential parking permit area for which it is deemed.
It shall be a violation of this article for the holder of a parking permit to fail to surrender it when directed to do so.
It shall be a violation of this article for any person to represent in any fashion that a vehicle is entitled to a parking permit authorized by this article when it is not so entitled. The display of a parking permit on a vehicle not entitled to such a parking permit shall constitute such a representation.
It shall be a violation of this article for any person to duplicate, or attempt to duplicate, by any means, a parking permit authorized by this article. It shall also be a violation of this article for any person to display on any vehicle such a duplicate parking permit.
The parking restrictions imposed by this article shall not apply to any service or delivery vehicle when used to provide services or to make deliveries to residences or proprietors within the designated parking permit area, provided that the parking of the service or delivery vehicle within said parking permit area does not exceed one hour in duration on any given day.
Whoever violates any provision of this article shall, upon conviction thereof by a court of competent jurisdiction, pay to the City of Derby a fine in the amount of $10 for each violation. Failure to pay said fine timely shall make the violator liable for further penalties, including imprisonment as provided for in the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut.