[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Oil City 2-27-2014 by Ord. No. 2828. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Creation. There is hereby created a body known as the Oil City PEG Channel Advisory Board ("the Board"), which shall act solely as an advisory body to City Council and the City Manager with regard to the optimal use of the PEG channel(s) on the cable system in the City. In its advisory capacity, the Board shall endeavor to promote and develop the best use by the City of its PEG channel(s).
Composition and terms. There shall be appointed no less than seven and no more than nine members to the Board as follows:
Members of the Board shall serve thereon without pay.
Membership of the Board shall be composed of a resident representative of the Venango College of Clarion University of Pennsylvania, a resident representative of the Oil City Area School District, a representative of City Council of the City of Oil City, a resident representative of the industrial business sector, a resident representative of the retail/commercial business sector, a resident representative of the arts community and no less than one and no more than three at-large resident representatives from the City of Oil City.
Each resident representative member shall be appointed by the City Manager with the advice and consent of the City Council of the City of Oil City.
A member shall be deemed to have resigned from the Board and shall no longer participate in any manner thereon when the member's residence is no longer within the municipal boundaries of the City of Oil City or upon missing more than three consecutive meetings of the Board, absent good cause for doing so.
Following the creation of the Board, the duration of initial appointments shall be as follows: three members shall serve for two years, two members shall serve for three years, two members shall serve for four years and two members shall serve for five years. The duration of initial appointments shall be decided by lot at the first scheduled meeting of the Board. Each subsequent appointment to the Board shall be for a term of five years.
A chairperson and vice chairperson of the Board shall be elected by a roll-call vote of a majority of the members appointed and voting at the first scheduled meeting of the Board.
The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson so elected shall serve for a term of one year from the date of their election. Thereafter, a new Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall be elected by the Board members on the anniversary of the initial Board meeting.
A vacancy in the position of Chairperson and/or Vice Chairperson of the Board shall be filled by a roll-call vote of a majority of the members appointed and voting at the meeting called for that purpose.
Vacancies on the Board, whether by reason of resignation or otherwise, shall be filled by the City Manager with the advice and consent of City Council of the City of Oil City. The member appointed to fill such vacancy shall serve for the duration of the vacated term.
In addition to members of the Board appointed as herein before outlined, the City Manager shall be a nonvoting member of the Board.
The City Manager shall not serve as the Chairperson of the Board.
Neither the current cable franchisee or the current operator of the City's PEG channel(s), nor any of their agents, servants, employees or their families, nor any of their subsidiaries, parent or affiliated corporations and organizations or any of their agents, servants, employees or members of their families, nor any person with any financial interest in any agreement awarding a franchise or operating contract in accordance herewith, shall be appointed as a member of the Board by Council.
Any action to be taken by the Board shall require the concurrence of a simple majority of the members of the Board present and voting. If action is taken without a quorum being present, any member may, at the next regularly scheduled meeting, request reconsideration of such action.
Minutes of Board meetings or records of any Board actions shall be prepared, preserved and made available for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk during normal business hours.
The Board shall have the following specific functions.
Review and evaluate prospective proposals for PEG channel operator(s) submitted in response to a request for proposals thereto and make recommendations to Council and the City Manager regarding the selection of the operator(s).
With regard to the renegotiation of the City's cable franchise agreement, make recommendations to Council and the City Manager in regard to any proposed changes which would prove beneficial to the operation of the City's PEG channel(s).
Advise Council and the City Manager regarding general policies relating to PEG channel programming, funding, equipment, use of volunteer staffing, promotion, relationships with other organizations and outreach to residents and organizations within the channel's local viewing area.
Work with the PEG channel operator(s) and provide advice and direction on the channel's day-to-day operations and impact and acceptance by local viewers and sponsors.
Develop and implement, together with the City Manager and the channel operator(s), a plan consisting of shorter-term goals and objectives for the channel's return to the airwaves and monitor progress on implementing this plan.
Develop and implement, together with the City Manager and the channel operator(s), a long-range business plan for the channel's continued viability which includes evaluations of multimedia distribution platforms, website development and joint ventures and strategic partnerships.
Advise Council and the City Manager as to how the PEG channel(s) can be effectively utilized as an economic development and promotional tool for residential, commercial, industrial, tourism and arts-related development.
Advise Council and the City Manager on both the viability and advisability of establishing a second PEG channel.
Make an annual report to Council which discusses the Board's activities and accomplishments throughout the previous year and an operational plan for the upcoming year.
Report to Council and the City Manager on matters which may constitute violations of PEG channel operating agreements.
The Board may appear before Council in accordance with Council's direction and in accordance with its rules and proceedings before Council on matters pertaining to PEG channel services and communications.
The Board shall meet at least bimonthly but may meet more often via special meetings should the need arise. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson in accordance with the Board's and the City's requirements for special meetings.
All meetings of the Board shall be posted and open to the public.
Adopt rules and regulations governing its meetings and other activities.
Request comments and suggestions regarding PEG channel services or communications.
Perform other advisory functions as Council may direct.
Council shall not pass any proposed resolution or ordinance relating to Board functions identified in § 53-3 above without referring same to the Board for review. The office of the City Clerk shall provide reasonable assistance to the Board in its review of such proposed resolutions or ordinances. If the Board fails to act within 45 days of receipt of such referral, the Board will be deemed to have approved the resolution or ordinance. The review period may be shortened if Council declares that an urgent reason exists requiring earlier Board action.