The City of Franklin hereby adopts as an official City policy the encouragement of the conservation of water as an important natural resource. Reasonable limitations upon the use of water, particularly that derived from the municipal water system, are hereby encouraged. To effect the goals of this article, the following restrictions are hereby adopted, regardless of the source of water supply, for all water users within the City.
All interior water taps and shower heads installed in any buildings in the City of Franklin shall be flow limiting, or the building shall have an approved pressure-reducing valve installed at the water service entrance.
Any toilet installed in the City of Franklin after the passage of this article shall be of such a construction as to conserve water and shall have appropriate conservation inserts or other similar features installed in the same.
To protect the purity of the municipal water system and the public health at large, any buildings with water supplies connected thereto with such supplies being connected after the date of passage of this article shall have installed in the supply line or lines appropriate backflow prevention valves designed in such a manner as to prevent the flow of water or other liquids from the structure into the water supply system, regardless of the source of that supply.
Industrial and specified commercial usages. On or before September 1, 1986, all industrial water users in the City of Franklin shall have installed in water supply lines backflow prevention devices as described above, regardless of the source of water supply. In addition to industrial users, all hospitals, laundromats and funeral homes within the City shall similarly install such devices in all supply lines on or before September 1, 1986.
The Planning and Zoning Administrator shall be authorized to require sufficient proof of compliance with the above requirements as a condition of issuance of a building permit. The Planning and Zoning Administrator is authorized to inspect any of the affected facilities required to have such backflow prevention devices and to take such enforcement action as may be necessary upon learning of or being advised of a lack of such devices in required facilities. In addition to any other enforcement action which may be allowed, the Planning and Zoning Administrator is also empowered to request the termination of water supply service to any offending facilities from the Municipal Services Department, which Department shall honor the termination request until such time as the Planning and Zoning Administrator is satisfied that appropriate devices have been installed or otherwise rescinds the termination request. Terminations may be reviewed and modified by the City Manager.