[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Franklin 5-5-1986 as Title One, Ch. XVIII of the 1986 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The G.A.R. Hall shall be under the supervision of a Board of Supervisors consisting of the chief executive of each organization using the hall. The Supervisors may make such rules and regulations as seem best, subject to the approval of the City Council.
Any veterans' organization or any auxiliary of the same, not operated for profit, may apply to the City Council for the use of the hall, and if the request is granted the chief executive of that organization becomes ex officio a member of the Board of Supervisors.
The Supervisors shall assign regular evenings for meetings and make equitable arrangements regarding the use of furnishings and equipment of the hall and shall supervise the care of the hall and apportion the expense to the organizations using the hall.
The hall shall not be rented to any person or organization, other than those entitled to its use as specified in this chapter, except by consent of the majority of the Supervisors, and the charge for the rental of the hall shall be fixed by the Council and paid to the City Clerk, and the charge for the use of the furnishings or equipment shall be fixed by the Supervisors and paid to the person designated by them.
No functions other than meetings may be held in the hall without the consent of the City Council.