The general intent of this Part 4 is to establish a comprehensive, precise and detailed zoning plan regulating the use of land and structures in the Borough of Hillsdale. It is based on the Master Plan of the Borough of Hillsdale, as amended and supplemented, and is enacted to promote and to protect the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience and the general welfare.
The specific purposes of this Part 4, which shall be liberally construed to promote and advance such specific purposes, are as follows:
To guide and regulate the orderly growth, development and redevelopment of the Borough of Hillsdale in accordance with a comprehensive plan and with long-term objectives, principles and standards deemed beneficial to the interest and welfare of the people.
To preserve and enhance the social and economic well-being of both private and public property.
To promote, in accordance with the public interest, the utilization of land for the purpose for which it is most appropriate.
To secure safety from fire, flood, panic and other dangers and to provide adequate light, air and convenience of access.
To prevent overcrowding of land or buildings and to avoid undue concentration of population.
To lessen and, where possible, to prevent traffic congestion on public streets and highways.
To conserve and enhance the value of buildings and land throughout the Borough.
To preserve and enhance the visual character and natural beauty of the land comprising the Borough of Hillsdale.