[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Middlesex 5-25-1971 by Ord. No. 570. Amendments noted where applicable.]
In the interest of providing a safe location for the sport of minibiking it is hereby ordained that a minibike trail be constructed on a certain portion of Block No. 216 and No. 211 (Lots No. 1 through No. 16),[1] the exact location to be determined by the topography of the area.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 60, Official Map.
The trail shall be used only by Middlesex Borough residents who are eight years of age or older.
All minibike drivers as well as the drivers' parents and/or guardians shall be registered.
All minibikes shall be registered and a numbered decal shall be issued which is to be attached to the bike in a prominent place.
All registered minibike riders shall attend an instructional safety meeting with the Safety Committee of the Middlesex Minibike Club, at which time the drivers shall satisfy said Safety Committee that they can operate a minibike safely.
All minibikes shall be walked, with the engine off, from the parking area to the trail site.
The following safety rules shall be mandatory:
All drivers must wear protective headgear.
Shoes shall be worn when operating minibikes. (No sneakers or sandals allowed.)
Long pants shall be worn when operating minibike.
Face- or eye-protective gear shall be worn.
The following safety rules, although not mandatory, are recommended:
Long-sleeved shirts should be worn.
Gloves should be worn.
The minibike engine shall be less than six horsepower.
The following safety devices shall be mandatory for all minibikes operated on the trail:
Throttle cables.
Brake controls.
Tires of knobby construction; no slicks.
Flipup pegs.
Chain adjustments.
Muffler heat shield.
Spark arrestor (on muffler).
Kill switch.
Mechanical brakes.
Chain guard.
[Amended 3-9-2021 by Ord. No. 2026]
The trail shall be under the jurisdiction of the Director of Public Recreation and Senior Services and shall be administered by the Middlesex Minibike Club, Incorporated, which director and club shall determine parental supervision requirements and the hours the trail is to be open.
Anyone who violates any portion of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $50 in the discretion of the Municipal Court Judge.