[Amended 9-14-1988 by Ord. No. 484]
It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a pedalcycle on the streets or sidewalks within an area bounded by Fourth Street on the north, East Street on the east, Oak Street on the south, and West Street on the west at any time. Pedalcycles shall be allowed to operate upon the streets of the Borough of Coudersport so long as they comply with all applicable regulations which govern motor vehicles including but not limited to obeying traffic control signs and lights.
It shall be unlawful for any person who resides in the Borough to ride a pedalcycle upon any street in the Borough or upon any path in the Borough that is set aside for the exclusive use of pedalcycles unless that pedalcycle has been licensed as provided in this chapter and unless a license plate for the current year is attached to the pedalcycle.
Application for a pedalcycle license and license plate shall be made to the Police Department on a form provided by the Borough. A license fee of $1 shall be paid to the Borough before any license is issued or renewed.
Applications for licenses or for renewal of licenses shall be made on or after February 1 of each even-numbered year and the license shall be valid until April 1 of the next succeeding even-numbered year.
Before issuing a license, the Police Department shall inspect or cause to be inspected the pedalcycle for which the application is made, and it shall refuse to license any pedalcycle which is determined to be in unsafe mechanical condition or to lack required equipment in good working order.
Upon receipt of the license fee, which shall be for the use of the Borough, and having ascertained by inspection that the pedalcycle is in safe mechanical condition and properly equipped, the Police Department shall issue the license, which shall be effective for the period provided in Subsection A of this section.
The Police Department shall keep a record of the number of each license, the name and address of the person to whom the license was issued, and the number on the frame of the pedalcycle for which the license was issued; and shall also keep a record of all pedalcycle license fees collected and turned over by the Department to the Borough Treasurer.
The Police Department, upon issuing a pedalcycle license, shall also issue a license plate bearing the license number assigned to the pedalcycle, the name of the Borough, and the expiration date of the license.
The Police Department shall cause the license plate to be firmly attached to the rear mudguard or the frame of the pedalcycle for which it was issued, in a position so as to be plainly visible from the rear.
It shall be unlawful for any person to remove a license plate from a pedalcycle at any time during the period for which the license was issued, except upon a transfer of ownership or when the pedalcycle is dismantled and no longer operated upon any street or pedalcycle path in the Borough.
Upon the expiration of any pedalcycle license, the license shall be renewed by its holder upon following the same procedure and paying the same fee as prescribed in this chapter in the case of the application and issuance of the original license.
Upon the sale or other transfer of ownership or the dismantling of a licensed pedalcycle, the holder of the license shall remove the license plate and surrender it to the Police Department. At the same time, if that license holder has acquired another pedalcycle, not previously licensed to him, that plate may be assigned by the Police Department to the replacement pedalcycle, without requirement for payment of an additional fee by the license holder.
No rental agency, located in the Borough, shall rent any pedalcycle or offer any pedalcycle for rent unless that pedalcycle has been registered and licensed for the current period as required by §§ 415-67 through 71 of this chapter.
Any person who violates any provision of § 415-66 of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $10 and costs.
Any person who violates any provision of §§ 415-67 through 415-73 of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.