The total number of individual family dwelling units shall not exceed the number permitted by the minimum lot size and density requirements contained in the current Village Zoning Map for the district or districts in which the site is located. Each structure shall comply with the lot area and building standards of the district or districts in which it is originally located and with all other requirements of this Part 2, except with respect to front, rear and side yard restrictions, and houses may be clustered or attached or semidetached. The side, front and rear yard setbacks of attached or semiattached dwelling units shall also comply with the standards of the district or districts in which the site is located, except as expressly modified by the Board of Trustees when approving the site plan, but if the dwellings are detached, such setbacks may be reduced by not more than 50%.
Construction of separate dwelling units in a vertical design (that is, one separate dwelling unit over another separate dwelling unit) shall not be permitted.
No building shall have a height of more than 2 1/2 stories above grade or 35 feet, whichever is less.
No more than five dwelling units may be attached, grouped or clustered in any one cluster of dwellings, unless expressly permitted by the Board of Trustees, but in no event shall the number exceed six.
No structure shall be erected within 30 feet of the property line. No structure shall be erected within 50 feet of any city boundary line. The word "structure" shall include any accessory use under Chapter 295, Zoning.
[Amended 10-4-1988 by L.L. No. 3-1988; 3-7-1989 by L.L. No. 2-1989]
The permitted uses within a CCH-2 District shall be the same as those otherwise permitted in the zoning district in which it is located, except that single-family attached or semidetached dwelling units shall also be permitted in such districts.
Except as otherwise specified herein, all development standards and controls normally applicable to other residential subdivisions shall also be applicable to CCH-2 subdivisions:
Determination of density. The number of building lots permitted in a CCH-2 subdivision shall in no case exceed the number which could be permitted, in the Planning Board's judgment, if the land were subdivided into lots conforming to all normally applicable requirements of Chapter 295, Zoning, the Westchester County Health Department Regulations and all other applicable requirements. The basis for this determination by the Planning Board shall be a conventional preliminary subdivision plot for the subject property, plus such other information as may be required by said Board.
Type and arrangement of buildings. The type of residential dwelling units permitted within a CCH-2 subdivision shall be, at the discretion of the Planning Board and subject to the conditions set forth herein, in detached, semidetached and/or attached buildings. The minimum distance between any two clustered structures shall be equal to at least the height of the tallest of such cluster structures.
Roads. The Planning Board may modify usual requirements for widths of roads within the district, provided that adequate provision is made for fire and emergency equipment.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection D, Dwelling unit ownership, which immediately followed this subsection and was added 10-4-1988 by L.L. No. 3-1988, was deleted 3-7-1989 by L.L. No. 2-1989.
All self-propelled maintenance equipment, including accessories, shall be stored in enclosed structures only, which structures shall conform in architectural theme to the residential buildings of the development.
Visual privacy shall be preserved for residents through the proper design of rear yards and/or patio spaces. Proper screening through the use of vegetation, fencing and partially or fully enclosed patios shall be provided.
Audio privacy shall be maintained by requiring proper standards for solid party walls that will satisfactorily limit sound transmission between adjoining dwelling units.
A central television antenna system shall be provided for each group of attached dwelling units.
The applicant for approval of a site plan shall provide all necessary water and sewer facilities, fire hydrants, storm drainage, highway access, paved service streets, parking and loading facilities and off-street lighting, making reasonable provision for utility service connections with adjoining properties in other ownerships. Wherever possible, all utility lines shall be underground.
Fully enclosed private garages for passenger automobiles for the exclusive use of residents of such a development and their guests shall be provided at a ratio of not less than one garage for every dwelling unit. There shall also be provided for passenger automobiles for the exclusive use of residents of such a development and their guests not less than one nor more than two additional parking spaces for each dwelling unit, either fully enclosed or fully open. Carports or partially enclosed garages are prohibited.
Individual private lots, if any, or individual dwelling units under single ownership (that is, under one deed, whether in the name of one person, husband and wife and/or child or children as joint tenants or tenants in common, or any corporation, trust or other entity existing for the benefit of a family unit) shall not be further subdivided after final subdivision approval.
A minimum of 30% of the land area shall be maintained for open space, which area shall not include interior roadways, parking areas or private courts that abut and service any building.
The minimum land area for development shall be not less than four acres.
Access into all single-family detached dwellings, single-family attached dwellings, detached group or cluster form shall be at ground level.
Professional and other signs indicating the name of the cluster housing residential development and traffic directional and other signs shall be approved by the Planning Board.
Each lot and building thereon shall comply with the lot area, yard and building standards of the underlying district, except as otherwise modified herein.
All culs-de-sac, turnarounds, roadways and street access shall be reviewed and approved by the Village Engineer and the Planning Board and shall be shown on the development plan.
The minimum lot frontage, width, depth and yard setback requirements for each clustered grouping within a clustered residential district shall be the same as required in the underlying zone district, except that where a building lot within a conservation subdivision abuts an existing residential lot that complies with conventional lot dimensional standards, any front, side or rear yards adjoining such property shall comply with the normally applicable setback requirements of the zoning district in which that property is located.
In addition to the requirements of this article, each site plan submitted hereunder shall also comply with all requirements of Article XII, Site Plan Approval, and Article XIII, Subdivision Regulations, of Chapter 295, Zoning, except to the extent that either is superseded by this article.