[Adopted 10-20-1959 by part of Ord. No. 1790; amended in its entirety 5-2-2023 by Ord. No. 3648-23]
The parking of motor vehicles in the areas adjacent to the Municipal Building, the Municipal Annex, and the Police Department shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations hereinafter set forth.
Any person or persons, firm, entity or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Article II shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined a sum of $50 for each offense and, in default of payment thereof, be imprisoned in the county jail for a term not exceeding five days, or both.
Lines or markings shall be placed on the pavement for the purpose of designating parking spaces for each vehicle. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle in areas other than those marked as parking spaces. All vehicle traffic shall rotate in a clockwise direction.
There shall be three parking spaces located next to the accessible parking spaces on the easterly side of the Municipal Building parking lot reserved for visitors to the Municipal Building or the Municipal Annex. No vehicle shall be permitted to park in said reserved spaces for a period exceeding 30 minutes between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
The parking of vehicles designated for Borough officials shall be reserved for those designated Borough officials. All other areas not designated or reserved shall be for Borough employees and visitors to the Municipal Building, the Municipal Annex, or the Police Department.
Visitor parking shall be limited to a two-hour period. All other areas shall be deemed a driveway unless otherwise marked.
The parking of vehicles in the Police Department parking lot, accessible via West Passaic Avenue, shall be limited to Police Department vehicles and those sanctioned by the Chief of Police or their designee. The parking of motor vehicles by the general public is hereby prohibited. Areas not specifically marked as parking spaces shall be deemed as a driveway.
The parking of vehicles in the Ames Avenue Firehouse and the Ambulance Corps parking lot shall be limited to Ambulance Corps, Ambulance Squad and Fire Department vehicles and motor vehicles owned and/or being used by members in good standing of the Ambulance Corps, Ambulance Squad and Fire Department. The parking of motor vehicles by the general public is hereby prohibited. Areas not specifically marked as parking spaces shall be deemed as a driveway.
The parking of vehicles in the Mortimer Avenue Firehouse and the Union Avenue Firehouse parking lots shall be limited to Fire Department vehicles and motor vehicles owned and/or being used by members in good standing of the Fire Department. The parking of motor vehicles by the general public is hereby prohibited. Areas not specifically marked as parking spaces shall be deemed as a driveway.
The entrance to the Municipal Annex parking lot shall be located on the westerly side of Donaldson Avenue, 163 feet from the intersection with Park Avenue. The exit driveway from the Municipal Annex parking lot shall be located on the northerly side of Park Avenue, 128 feet from the intersection with Donaldson Avenue.