Whenever it is practical to do so, promotions shall be made from within the ranks of the borough staff, provided that there are employees available who possess the qualifications necessary to perform the required duties in an outstanding manner.
Transfers from one position or department to another will usually be made when it would be advantageous to the borough and the employee to make such transfer.
Employees are requested to file with their supervisors a list of their skills and special training in order that the borough may make the best possible use of all the capabilities and potentialities of its personnel.
The value of each employee, both to the borough and to himself, will be greatly increased by self-improvement through on-the-job training as well as by outside study and instruction. It is the policy of the borough to encourage the self-improvement of every employee, in order that he may qualify for a better position, if and when one suitable is available.
Supervisors shall be responsible for on-the-job instructions, as well as for providing guidance for all persons under their leadership.
Promotions from within the ranks shall be based on merit, character, qualifications and work habits, as determined by an impartial review of all available facts.
Employees may make written request to the Mayor and Council for transfer to another department without prejudice or loss of any seniority rights. Such requests shall be considered on their merits, and any action taken shall be without establishing a precedent in any case.