A Senior Citizens Committee is hereby established for the Township of Vernon to promote the welfare of the Vernon senior citizens through social, recreation, and education programs. The Senior Citizens Committee will act as spokesperson and represent the Vernon senior citizens in any issues presented to the Township. The Senior Citizens Committee will assist with the administration and operation of the Senior Center to obtain maximum utilization of the facilities.
The Senior Citizens Committee shall consist of seven members appointed by the Township Council. The initial Committee should consist of two members appointed for terms of one year, two members appointed for terms of two years, and three members appointed for terms of three years. Thereafter all appointments shall be for a term of three years. All vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term. The Committee shall elect one of its members as Chairman and shall also select a Secretary from among its members. No member shall be compensated for their services on the Board.
The Senior Citizens Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Township Council in furtherance of the purposes set forth in § 5-99 of this chapter.
The Senior Citizens Committee may from time to time prepare bylaws governing its operation subject to the review and approval by the Township Council.