Control measures shall apply to all aspects of the proposed site development involving any and all types of land disturbance and shall be in operation during all stages of the disturbance activity.
The following principles shall apply to the soil erosion and sediment control plan:
Stripping of vegetation, grading or other soil disturbances shall be done in a manner which will minimize soil erosion.
Whenever feasible, natural vegetation shall be retained and protected.
The extent of the disturbed area and the duration of its exposure shall be kept within practical limits.
Either temporary seeding, mulching or other suitable stabilization measure shall be used to protect exposed critical areas during construction or other land disturbance.
Drainage provisions shall accommodate increased runoff, resulting from modified soil and surface conditions, during and after development or disturbance.
Water runoff shall be minimized and retained on site wherever possible to facilitate groundwater recharge.
Sediment shall be retained on site to the maximum extent feasible.
[Amended 5-15-1978 by Ord. No. 78-9]
Diversions, sediment basins and similar required structures shall be installed prior to any on-site grading or disturbance.
Whenever sedimentation is caused by stripping vegetation, regrading or other development, it shall be the responsibility of the developer causing such sedimentation to remove it from all adjoining surfaces, drainage systems and watercourses and to repair any damage at his expense as quickly as possible.
Maintenance of all drainage facilities and watercourses within the development is the responsibility of the developer until the final facilities are accepted by the Township.
It is the responsibility of the developer doing any act on or across a communal stream, watercourse or swale, or upon the floodplain or right-of-way thereof, to maintain as nearly as possible in its present state the stream, watercourse, swale, floodplain or right-of-way during the pendency of the activity and to return it to its original or equal condition after such activity is completed.
Maintenance of drainage facilities or watercourses, including public drainageways originating and completely on private property, is the responsibility of the landowner to their point of open discharge at the property line or at a communal watercourse within the property.