Sketch plat maps and materials are encouraged to be submitted to the head of Borough Engineering Services for all proposed subdivisions and land developments, for purposes of informal discussion between the Borough Planning Commission and the developer.
Submission of a sketch plat is optional, and such submission shall not constitute official submission of a plan to the Borough.
Fifteen copies of a completed sketch plat should be submitted.
Within 30 days of receipt, the sketch plat maps and materials will be submitted by the head of Borough Engineering Services to the Borough Planning Commission, which will discuss the sketch plat at the next regular meeting, provided that submission to the head of Borough Engineering Services occurs no less than 30 days prior to such scheduled meeting.
The Borough Planning Commission will review the sketch plat to determine the development assets and limitations of the site, and the general development concepts of the plat. The Planning Commission may indicate other comments regarding the sketch plat.
Within 60 days of submission of the sketch plat to the Borough Planning Commission, the Commission may make recommendations to the developer which it deems necessary or advisable in the public interest in order to provide an acceptable subdivision or land development plan for the site.
Within 15 days after the meeting at which sketch plat was discussed, the Borough Planning Commission or head of Borough Engineering Services may send written notice of the Commission's comments and recommendations to the Borough Council and the developer or his designated agent.
The sketch plat shall be based on tax map information or some other similarly accurate base at a scale preferably not less than 100 feet to the inch to enable the entire tract to be shown on one sheet and shall show or include the following information:
Tract boundaries. The location of that portion which is to be subdivided or developed in relation to the entire tract.
All existing structures, wooded areas, watercourses, floodplains, wetlands, and other significant natural features within the portion to be subdivided or developed and within 200 feet thereof.
The name of the owner and all adjoining property owners as disclosed by the most recent municipal tax records.
All streets or roads proposed, mapped or built within 500 feet of the subdivision or development.
The proposed patterns of land use, street layout, schematic lotting arrangements and proposed lot sizes within the subdivided plat.
General topography of the area to be subdivided and the surrounding area within 200 feet of the proposed subdivision or development based on United States Geological Survey, superimposed on the sketch plat.
In case of a land development, the proposed building, access drive, parking, loading and recreation layout.