It is the responsibility of all employees to observe the policies and regulations necessary for the proper operation of the departments in the Town of Tolland.
Department head responsibilities. Department heads are responsible for the proper and efficient operation of their departments and for enforcing Town policies and regulations. Department heads are authorized to apply such disciplinary measures as may be necessary to enforce Town personnel policies up to and including recommending discharge of an employee to the Town Manager. The Town Manager shall have the final authority regarding issuance of discipline to all employees, except for senior-level employees as defined in the Charter. For such senior-level employees, the Town Manager shall recommend discipline, subject to the approval of the Town Council.
Types of disciplinary action. The type of disciplinary action taken will vary with the severity of the situation and may include the following measures: oral or written reprimand, demotion, suspension, discharge, denial of increases or other discipline of employees for such reasons as, but not limited to, those stated herein. The Town reserves the right to determine the appropriate disciplinary action based on individual circumstances.
Reasons for disciplinary action. Disciplinary action, up to and including discharge, may be imposed upon an employee for conduct or actions which interfere with or prevent the Town from effectively and efficiently discharging its responsibilities to the public. The following shall be sufficient cause for disciplinary action; however, the list is meant to be illustrative only and should not be considered to include all reasons for disciplinary action:
Activities prohibited by the Town Charter, Town ordinances or these regulations.
Refusal or failure to meet prescribed standards of performance to an extent that makes an employee unsuitable for employment by the Town.
Theft or destruction of Town property.
Incompetence, inefficiency or negligence in the performance of duties.
Insubordination or failure to obey a reasonable order, either written or oral.
Conviction of a criminal offense while employed by the Town.
The consumption of alcohol or illegal use of drugs while on the job.
The use of rude or abusive language toward a superior, a co-worker, or the public.
Notoriously disgraceful personal conduct.
Fraudulently obtaining sick or injury leave.
Unauthorized absences or abuse of leave privileges.
Bribery or acceptance of any valuable consideration which was given with the expectation of influencing the employee in the performance of his/her duties.
Falsification of records or use of official position for personal advantage.
Dishonesty, deliberate untruthfulness, drunkenness, negligence or recklessness on the job, habitual tardiness, misconduct or other attitudes which constitute an unwholesome influence on other employees.
Tardiness or absenteeism.
Performing services for others during working hours.
Sexual or other harassment prohibited by law.
Action or conduct affecting or impairing the efficiency of the Town service or that may bring the Town into disrepute.
Inefficient, unproductive, or otherwise poor job performance.
Any other conduct that the Town deems is adverse to the best interests of the Town.
Whenever an employee's performance, attitude, work habits or personal conduct at any time fall below a desirable level, supervisors shall promptly inform him/her and specify such lapses and give counsel and assistance. If appropriate and justified, a reasonable period of time for improvement may be allowed before initiating a disciplinary action. In some instances, a specific incident may justify severe disciplinary action up to and including discharge; however, the action to be taken depends on the seriousness of the incident and the whole pattern of the employee's past performance and conduct. Within 48 hours of disciplinary action, all employees, except for senior-level employees as defined in the Charter, who have satisfactorily completed their probationary period and who are discharged, demoted or suspended for more than 10 days must receive a statement of the grounds for such action specifying the time and place for a hearing before the Town Council, if requested by the employee.
Discipline may include the following:
Written reprimand. In situations where an oral warning has not resulted in expected improvements or where more severe initial action is warranted, a written reprimand shall be given to an employee, and a copy shall be placed in the employee's personnel folder.
Suspension. An employee may be suspended by the department head or appointing authority with or without pay for reasons of misconduct, negligence, inefficiency, insubordination, disloyalty, unauthorized absence or other justifiable reasons.
Demotion. An employee may be demoted against his/her will to a position of a lower grade for which he/she is qualified.
Discharge. If after remedial and/or disciplinary measures have been tried, an employee's performance, conduct or other unsatisfactory behavior does not improve, it may be necessary to discharge the employee. From time to time, certain offenses or circumstances may occur which are of such seriousness that immediate dismissal of an employee may be necessary. The Town reserves the right to discharge any employee for any legitimate reason.