A Town employee is prohibited from engaging in any conduct which could reflect unfavorably upon the Town. Town employees must avoid any action which might result in or create the impression of using public office for private gain or giving preferential treatment to any person.
Upon proper notification to and with the written permission of the Town Manager, an employee may engage in outside employment, except that no full-time employee may engage in other full-time employment outside his/her work for the Town, and no approved part-time employment shall be in conflict of interest with Town employment.
Preference of Town employment. Any employee who engages in employment outside of his/her regular working hours shall be subject to call to perform his/her regular Town duties first.
Injury and illness. The Town shall in no respect be liable or grant sick leave in case of any injury to an employee while he/she is engaged in outside employment nor for any occupational illness attributed to that outside employment.
General policy. All employees of the Town shall be free and encouraged to exercise their rights as citizens, to cast their votes and express their opinions on all political subjects. No full-time or part-time employees of the Town shall solicit any person to vote at any political primary or election or challenge or in any manner attempt to influence any voter in a Town election while on duty.
[Added 6-14-2022[1]]
The Town shall not discriminate or otherwise take any adverse action against any employees (or applicants) who inquire about, discuss or disclose information about the terms or conditions of their employment or about any other employee's employment (such as pay and benefit information) in a lawful manner, including when exercising any rights to engage in protected activity. Management shall continue to treat each employee's pay and benefit information and performance/disciplinary information as confidential in accordance with applicable legal requirements and obligations, and each employee, in turn, may do the same to the extent that they prefer not to share such information with others. To this end, employees may not disclose information about the terms and conditions of employment of any other employee (including information about another employee's pay) when the other employee does not wish them to do so. Accordingly, employees remain subject to discipline if they have access to compensation information of other employees or applicants as part of the essential functions of their job and they disclose that information to others who do not otherwise have access to such information, unless the disclosure was made with the consent of the other employee, or in furtherance of an investigation by the Town or any outside entity in response to a formal complaint or charge, or as part of any legal or administrative proceeding/hearing, or otherwise consistent with the Town's legal duty to furnish such information.
Editor's Note: This resolution also provided for the redesignation of former § A174-48 as § A174-48.5.