All employees of the Borough of Dumont injured while on duty or performing Borough duties shall make or cause to be made as soon thereafter as possible, and in any event with 24 hours, a written report to his or her department head with pertinent facts relating to such injuries. Except where injuries sustained by an employee are of such a serious nature as to prevent such action, employees shall report all injuries before the termination of the work day. Reports shall be made on forms prescribed by the Central Personnel Office, shall contain the names of witnesses and all other supporting and/or corroborating facts relevant to the accident causing such injury, and a copy thereof shall be furnished to the Central Personnel Office and recorded in the employee's personnel file.
If the condition of the employee prevents him or her from making such report, it shall be the responsibility of the employee's immediate supervisor to make such report.
The department head of an employee so injured may require such employee to be examined by the Borough physician or another physician designated for that purpose.
An employee injured as aforesaid shall cooperate with and supply information, including medical information, requested by any agent or representative of the Borough, including any representative of any insurance company providing insurance for the Borough.
Any employee who falsifies a claim, feigns injury, or in any way intentionally presents false information respecting any such accident or injury shall be subject to disciplinary action including discharge.