The Borough of Dumont is committed to providing equal opportunity in all aspects of employment, including recruitment, hiring, assignment, training, compensation, benefits, promotion, transfer and termination. All conscientious employee complaints must be made in writing so as to insure the proper investigation of each complaint. The Borough of Dumont is committed to a work environment free from discrimination and harassment. Race, color, creed, religion, national origin, alienage or citizenship status, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, veteran status or any other protected status does not affect our decision about your employment or the terms of your employment.
If you believe that you are the subject of discrimination or harassment, you should speak to the Borough Administrator. If discrimination, harassment, or employment-related concerns are found, the Borough of Dumont will take prompt, appropriate measures to remedy the problem and prevent its recurrence. Under the policy, all complaints are taken seriously and all forms of retaliation are prohibited.
The Borough of Dumont protects conscientious employees from retaliation. To properly investigate all such complaints, they must be in writing.
The starting time, break times, and close of business may vary by department and by location. Your supervisor will explain normal working hours and advise you if there are any changes to normal work times.
Most of the people working for the Borough of Dumont are responsible and professional performing their jobs in a way that meets expectations and contributes to the Municipality's success. Unfortunately, occasionally an employee does not meet these standards, in which case, corrective action may be taken.
In general, the Borough of Dumont may take corrective action because of an employee's unsatisfactory job performance, attendance record, lateness, conduct, failure to adhere to policies and procedures, or other reasons that affect our business or our work environment.
Workplace sexual harassment and discrimination create physical and emotional anxiety, obstruct effective communication, and result in diminished productivity. To maintain the environment of excellence that we have created, we will reinforce our nonsexual harassment and nondiscrimination policy through continuing employee communications and management/supervisory training. If you have any questions, please contact the Borough Administrator's Office.