The following are the financial policies and procedures of the Borough of Dumont concerning general recordkeeping and budget controls. Each department head must annually review their office procedures to ensure that adequate internal controls are in place. The purpose of these policies is to ensure compliance with general law, operate using best practices, and ensure the safekeeping of taxpayer funds. This includes compliance with the Local Budget Law,[1] the Local Fiscal Affairs Law,[2] and the Local Public Contracts Law.[3] Legal compliance can only be maintained with the diligent application of these financial controls.
Cash receipt controls.
Every department receiving cash receipts must maintain a cash book or cash log. At a minimum, the cash book must contain the following information:
Date of receipt.
Amount of receipt.
Name of payee.
Purpose for payment.
Other pertinent information.
The person making payment must be given a receipt by the department.
Cash verification. Each department head or supervisor must ensure the safety of cash deposits. The Borough of Dumont has a "banking" type arrangement in the Tax Collector's Office which assists each department in making fast deposits. Each Borough office that collects cash must ensure that it is deposited quickly with the Tax Collector and no later than 48 hours (per N.J.S.A. 40A:5) after receipt. The department head must examine the receipt book at least monthly to ensure its veracity.
Purchasing. Every department must follow the accompanying Borough of Dumont Purchasing Guidelines (§ 69-117 of this chapter). Please ensure that original invoices, receipts, and all necessary descriptions and certifications are attached to each purchase order and voucher. This is an essential control and if not followed will result in nonpayment by the Finance Office. Also, please ensure that the requisition system resulting in a purchase order is followed.
Budget controls. Every department head may not exceed their budget allocation for salaries and wages and other expenses (operating expenses). No emergencies allowed in operating budgets (reference N.J.S.A. 40A:4). If an officer or employee of the Borough over expends a budget (S&W or OE), state law is broken and the official is subject to possible prosecution. Do not spend money you do not have. Each department head must review his or her budget printout monthly and if there are any questions, contact the Finance Office.
Equipment. All office equipment must be listed in a department register. This includes photocopiers, calculators, personal computer, etc. The Finance Office has contacted every department for verification of these items.
Employee information. An accurate log of sick, vacation, holiday time, etc. must be maintained for each employee. Please use the Borough's standardized forms for all department employees. Each department must maintain a roster of employees used to record time balances as well as to verify annual budget information.
Overtime approval. The approval of overtime must be made directly by the department head. If a supervisor is making the day-to-day decision of overtime approval, there must be adequate justification of the expense. Please remember that overtime is subject to the aforementioned budget controls.
Every payroll change must be accompanied by a personnel action form. This form must be signed by the department head, Borough Treasurer/CFO, and Borough Administrator.
The finance department will verify all payroll information. In no case will an employee be compensated greater than allowed by law. These internal controls are designed to protect the Borough of Dumont from fraud, misappropriation of assets, etc. Also, statutory compliance is maintained by continually reviewing these controls.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:4-1 et seq.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:5-1 et seq.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.
Purchasing cycle.
The purchasing cycle begins when the department head, division head, or other designated Borough officer makes the decision that a product or service is required by his or her department. Upon making this decision, the budget must be carefully checked and reviewed for sufficient funds. Authorization for any expenditure must be received from the Borough Treasurer/CFO or Borough Administrator. After the budget balance has been verified and it is determined that sufficient funds are available, then the purchasing cycle begins. If an order is under $150, the department may purchase said item by voucher. If an order exceeds $150, a requisition must be processed through the Borough Treasurer's Office prior to the placement of the order.
If an order or a combination of orders for any group of materials, supplies and/or services exceed $3,150 and is less than $21,000, three written or verbal quotations must be received from three different vendors. The quotations must be kept on file for a three-year period and must be available upon demand by the Borough Treasurer/CFO, Borough Administrator, or Borough Auditor. Any order or group of orders, in the aggregate, exceeding $21,000 must be formally bid with a few exceptions. This is a requirement of state law (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.)
Once the voucher copy of either the purchase order or Borough voucher is received, payment will be made after the Council has approved said voucher at a regularly scheduled Public Council Meeting.
Purchasing forms. Three basic forms are used in the purchasing process. They are the requisition, purchase order, and voucher. The following is the simple process used in filling out each form:
The department's requisition must be used in all purchases of goods and services over $150 except as approved by the Borough Treasurer/CFO or Borough Administrator. On the upper portion of the requisition form, the date, department number, and the department name must be inserted. The vendor number and other pertinent information should be inserted in the space provided. The account number and full description of the good or service being requisitioned must be entered in the space provided, as well as the unit and extended price. The suggested vendor must be included and the requisitioner must either initial or sign the form and the department head must approve the requisition by signing it.
If the requisition is not properly completed, it will be returned to the department for proper disposition. Requisitions must be used prior to actual placement of orders.
There are two parts to the requisition form as follows:
White. This is the top copy of the requisition and is considered the original. This is retained by the Finance Office for their records to be attached to the final voucher once it is issued for final payment.
Yellow. This is the second part of the requisition. This copy is attached to the purchase order (Borough Treasurer's Office copy) upon final payment.
Purchase order.
The purchase order form is printed by the Borough's computer, based upon the information contained on the requisition form. At the time the purchase order is entered in the computer system, the budget account is encumbered (charged) for the amount of the order. The purchase order is the official written order of the Borough of Dumont to the vendor, and represents the initiation of the purchasing cycle for all orders over $150, except as may be excluded by the Borough Treasurer/CFO or Borough Administrator. The purchase order is initialed in the bottom-right-hand corner by the Borough Treasurer/CFO as acknowledgment of posting to the budgetary account (encumbrance).
There are three parts to the purchase order as follows:
Voucher copy (white). This is transmitted to the vendor (claimant) and must be signed by the vendor and returned for payment to the Finance Department. The receiving copy of the purchase order and all original invoices, billing slips, or other documents pertaining to the purchase are attached to the voucher copy. The signed voucher copy is the only means by which a check can be issued by the Borough of Dumont to the vendor for any purpose and must have the completed using department copy of the purchase order and all original invoices or billing slips attached together with all appropriate signatures being affixed.
Finance copy (green). This copy is retained by the Finance Department. This is a control copy for the Borough Treasurer's Office to be signed by the Borough Treasurer/CFO so that the Finance Department is aware of the purchase and of the propriety of the purchase.
Using department/agency (pink). This copy is forwarded to the department after printing of the purchase order and is to be retained until the goods and/or services are received by the department. It must be signed by the employee receiving the goods and/or services and the department head. It should be forwarded to the Borough Treasurer's Office within 24 hours after receipt of the goods and/or services or as soon thereafter as possible. The issuing department must make a photocopy for their records.
Simple voucher.
The simple voucher form is a four-part form used to initiate all payments under $150 and other payments as authorized by the Borough Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, or Borough Administrator. Under no circumstances are orders to be split and put on simple voucher forms for the purpose of meeting the $150 limit. Such orders will be rejected and sent back to the departments for proper disposition. The simple voucher must be filled in completely with similar information as contained on the requisition of the goods and/or services being ordered, the full account number, unit and extended price. The vendor's signature must be entered into the appropriate space at the bottom right-hand portion of the form. The department must certify and sign the voucher as stated in the middle of the form.
It should be noted that the Borough Treasurer/CFO must sign the bottom left-hand column and must approve all minor purchases under $150. In addition, as with the voucher part of the purchase order form, the Borough Treasurer/CFO must approve all vouchers prior to payment and prior to the submission to the Borough Council for authorization to pay said vouchers.
The following may be processed by voucher:
Utility bills including electricity, telephone, and heating fuel payments.
Insurance payments.
Personnel-related expenses including reimbursement for attendance at conferences or meetings.
Certain bid items are approved by prior resolution of the Borough Council and are authorized only by an agreement executed by the Borough Administrator.
It is the responsibility of the department to receive as many prices and quotations for the acquisition of goods or services as possible. If assistance is needed, the Borough Administrator's Office should be contacted. The practice of receiving competitive prices, for the most part, has been successfully used in most municipalities and has resulted in substantial savings to the municipality. In the event that a purchase of a group of goods or services exceeds $3,150, three verbal or written quotations must be received from three or more different vendors. In the event that verbal quotations are received, a memo for Borough files must be kept for a minimum of three years. The documentation must be kept on file for review by the Borough Treasurer/CFO, Borough Administrator, or Borough Auditor upon demand. In addition, the Borough Treasurer/CFO may require said quotations be attached to the voucher.
In the event that a group of goods and/or services exceeds $21,000, the purchase or purchases must be formally bid as per N.J.S.A. 40A:11-3. The following are exceptions to this bidding requirement. It should be noted that Borough Council action is required for all exceptions.
State contracts may be utilized for the purchasing of goods or services of any sum but are particularly important for categories of purchases over $21,000. An index of the items covered by state contracts is on file in the Borough Administrator's Office. It is the intent of the Borough to continue to utilize state contracts.
Professional services such as legal services, audit, medical, and other professional services are generally exempt by the bidding requirements pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5. In addition, the law exempts extraordinary and unspecifiable services. The Borough Administrator must approve extraordinary and unspecifiable services prior to the commitment of Borough funds. It should be noted that the procurement of services either professional, extraordinary, or unspecifiable in excess of $21,000 must be formally approved by action of the Borough Council.
Furnishing of Tax Maps.
Supplying of a product rendered by a public utilities company which is subject to the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Utilities.
The printing of bonds and documents necessary to the issuance and the sale of bonds.
Publication of a legal newspaper.
Insurance, including the purchase of insurance coverage and consulting services which exceptions shall be in accordance with the requirements for extraordinary and unspecifiable services.
Contracts entered into with the United States of America, or the State of New Jersey, or any county or political subdivision thereof.
Any purchase contract or agreement may be made and negotiated or awarded for contracting without public advertisement or bidding when an emergency affecting the public health, safety, or welfare requires the immediate delivery of articles or services provided that the following guidelines are met:
A written requisition for the performance of work or the furnishing of services be submitted to the Borough Treasurer/CFO and Administrator within 24 hours of the occurrence of the emergency.
A memorandum must accompany the requisition indicating the nature of the emergency, the time, the place, and the estimated budget impact of the emergency.
The same strict guidelines affecting the emergency appropriations effect emergency purchases and contracts pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:4-47. That is, the emergency must be unforeseen and unbudgeted prior to the time of budget adoption. This means that any operating expense, including overtime and legal fees, are not emergencies. Only those purchases that are caused by a specific event subsequent to the time of budget adoption may be considered emergency purchases. Please remember a that a department's lack of planning is not the Borough's emergency.
As in the past, the department head or designee must take an active role in developing bid specifications for the goods or services to be acquired by the Borough of Dumont. Specifications for goods or services must be submitted to the Borough Treasurer as soon as the need arises. On file in the Borough Treasurer's Office are blank forms to accompany the bid specifications for advertisement and affidavits to be signed by the vendor that is submitting a proposal or quotation. Again, wherever possible, the State contract will be utilized.
It is the responsibility of the department or any other Borough office to ensure adequate funds are budgeted and available for each purchase of a good or service. The Borough Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, or Borough Administrator, at any time prior to the issuance of a check, may reject a purchase on the basis of insufficient funds within the Borough budget. However, prior to the disapproval, the department will be directly contacted for advice on the purchase. The Finance Department will not reject purchases on the basis of wisdom or need, but solely on the basis of budgetary requirements. However, the Borough Administrator may reject purchases based on efficiency issues.
Petty cash is available to reimburse out-of-pocket expenses paid directly by employees. The maximum amount allowed to come out of the petty cash fund for individual expenses is $10. Upon the disbursement of funds from an employee's pocket, a receipt must be presented to the Borough Treasurer's Office with the proper budget code so that a petty cash slip can be initiated for charging against the budget.
At all times a separation is maintained by different individuals assigned specifically to the following responsibilities:
Processing and recording of expenditures is assigned to the Finance Office.
Distribution of checks for vendor payment and emergency check writing may be assigned to the Administrator's Office.
Custody of unissued checks is maintained by the Finance Office.
Vendor approval must be made by the department head and the Borough Administrator.
Payroll is processed by the Finance Office based on time sheets submitted by the department and signed by the department head. General payroll oversight is performed by the Borough Administrator.
The Borough has an active audit program which exceeds the requirements of the New Jersey Local Fiscal Affairs Law.[1] Each department and office must immediately comply with all verbal or written requests of the auditor. Failure to do so may be cause for disciplinary action or monitoring of department activity by the Finance Department and Borough Administrator. To ensure compliance with the law, all of our internal financial controls must be followed.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:5-1 et seq.