In order to prevent adverse effects from strip road front development, to produce more harmonious appearance and to promote public safety by reducing, to a reasonable number, access points to and from public highways, all development must take place in areas which have a minimum frontage on state and county roads of 400 feet and a minimum size of four acres. Ownership need not be by one owner but adjacent owners may apply jointly if their aggregate holdings meet these requirements and agree to a coordinated development plan. Individual lots may be used within a development area. Adjacent property owners within these districts will be required to give mutual easements for vehicular traffic across their properties to permit vehicles to get to limited points of access to and from public highways. No access point serving these areas shall be closer than 100 feet to an intersection. Deceleration and/or acceleration lanes may be required as deemed necessary by appropriate county or state officials to permit proper traffic flow into and out of the access point. Proof that these regulations are being or will be met shall be provided before building or occupancy permits can be issued.