[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Taylor as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 6-14-1976 by Ord. No. 70]
The Borough of Taylor, Pennsylvania, does hereby desire to enter into a joint purchasing agreement with any one or more of the political subdivisions belonging to the Lackawanna County Council of Governments.
The Borough of Taylor, Pennsylvania, hereby authorizes the Lackawanna County Council of Governments and its employees, to act as coordinator and administrative agent of the joint purchasing program.
Each municipality who is a party to this agreement shall appoint a representative to serve on a committee which shall be known as the "Lackawanna County Council of Governments Joint Purchasing Committee."
Each municipality wishing to purchase specific items shall designate, in writing, the items to be purchased and indicate therein the quantities or at other times upon notice from the Joint Purchasing Committee during the term of this agreement.
If two or more of such municipalities decide to cooperate in the purchase of materials and supplies, the Joint Purchasing Committee of the participating municipalities shall prepare the necessary plans and specifications, and, upon approval by the participating municipalities, the Committee shall assume the responsibility of advertising for bids and to receive formal and informal bids in accordance with the legal requirements of the participating municipalities.
The cost of advertising, duplicating, and distribution and any other costs incidental to the above shall be shared equally by the municipalities participating in a specific purchase advertisement.
After receipt of the bids, they will be examined and tabulated by the Joint Purchasing Committee and certified to each participating municipality indicating the lowest responsible bidder. If a participating municipality desires to execute a contract of purchase with the bidder, which is determined to be the lowest responsible bidder, each participating municipality shall then enter in to a separate contract with the successful bidder for the materials or supplies it proposes to purchase. Each municipality reserves the right to reject any and all bids in connection with the proposal of any materials or supplies.
It is understood and agreed that each participating municipality shall only be liable to the successful bidder for materials or supplies contracted for by such municipality without any liability for purchases contracted for by any other participating municipality, and each successful bidder shall be required to bill each participating municipality directly for the materials or supplies purchased by it.
In the event any dispute arises between individual municipalities and a successful bidder, after a contract of purchase has been executed, such dispute shall be handled by and between the municipality involved and the bidder.
Any participating municipality may bid items and/or products which are subject to this agreement on an individual basis provided such bids are received by the Joint Purchasing Committee. If the municipality receives a bid less than the bid received by the Committee, the bid submitted to the Committee under the terms of this agreement may be refused.
Once the specifications and addenda have been approved by the Joint Purchasing Committee and the participating municipalities, no changes will be made by the parties thereto.
[Adopted 11-14-1984 by Ord. No. 145]
In order to promote and provide efficient police protection, the Councils of the Boroughs of Taylor, Old Forge, Moosic, Avoca and Duryea do hereby empower the policemen of each other’s boroughs to exercise all the powers and authority conferred by law while such police are within the limits of any of the aforesaid boroughs.
Any arrest made by any police of the Boroughs of Taylor, Old Forge, Moosic, Avoca and Duryea while in the limits of any of the aforesaid boroughs shall be reported in writing to the mayor of the borough within which the arrest is made within 24 hours of any such arrest.
This article is enacted pursuant to Section 1122 of the Borough Code of Pennsylvania, 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 1122.
This article shall become effective upon enactment and may be terminated by the action of any of the councils of the respective boroughs.