[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Taylor 12-10-2014 by Ord. No. 7-2014. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter may be cited as the "Taylor Borough Burning Ordinance."
The purpose of Taylor Borough in adopting this chapter is to regulate and prohibit the burning, ignition and combustion of rubbish, garbage and other materials within the Borough of Taylor, and to promote and protect the health, safety and welfare of its residents.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Borough of Taylor, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, a duly authorized and incorporated political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The members of the Borough Council of the Borough of Taylor, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania.
A man-made structure, whether it is permanent or temporary, utilized for sheltering people, animals, and property or business activity. The term "building" and the term "structure" are used interchangeably in this chapter.
To ignite or set on fire any material for the purposes of disposing/reducing such material, creating heat or creating light.
Any chartered, volunteer fire department located within the Borough of Taylor, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania.
A pit dug into the ground, or made from stones, masonry or metal for keeping a fire used in cooking or warmth.
Any putrescible animal or vegetable matter, fruit, meat or other food substances, both liquid and solid, which are subject to decay, which result from the handling, preparation, cooking, serving or consumption of food and food containers.
A gated utensil used for broiling food over a fire.
Gases, smoke or fumes resulting from burning which are harmful or injurious to the health or physical well-being of persons, or that cause sickness or persons.
Any natural person, partnership, firm, company or corporation.
The Police Department and its officers of the Borough of Taylor, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania.
Garbage, rubbish and trade waste.
Any individual person over the age of 18 years of age who is mentally competent.
Any solid, discarded waste materials, including but not limited to scrap, metal, furniture, windows, boxes, crockery or paper, tires, rubber, plastics, rags, clothing, leather, carpets, excelsior, ashes, tree leaves, yard trimmings, brush, tin cans, glass, masonry and other similar items.
All solid or liquid material or rubbish resulting from construction, building operations or the prosecution of any business, trade or industry, including but not limited to plastic products, cartons, paint, grease oil, and other petroleum products, chemicals, cinders and other forms of solid or liquid waste materials.
The hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub, including but not limited to tree branches, timber, boards, tree logs, kindling, charcoal and other similar items.
It shall be unlawful for any person to burn, ignite or cause to be burned any material within the Borough, except as provided otherwise hereinafter.
Any person who shall violate any of the rules and regulations of this chapter shall be guilty of creating and/or maintaining a nuisance.
No person shall burn, ignite or cause to be burned any rubbish, garbage or any other material within the right-of-way of any public street, alley, road or public way.
No person shall burn, ignite or cause to be burned any garbage, rubbish, refuse or trade waste on any private land or public land within the Borough of Taylor, whether or not such burning occurs within the confines of a building or outside the confines of a building.
No person shall burn, ignite or cause to be burned any wood or wood products on any private land or public land within the Borough of Taylor, outside the confines of a building, except as otherwise set forth herein.
No nonresidential business or operation, including but not limited to commercial, institutional, or industrial establishments, shall burn, ignite or cause to be burned any materials, whether the materials are garbage, refuse, wood, trade waste or rubbish, or whether it is inside or outside the confines of a building, unless such an establishment has a permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, or any successor agency, to burn such materials.
Nothing contained in §§ 71-4 and 71-5 herein shall be construed to apply to the use of any standard, commercially designed, noncombustible grill used for the noncommercial preparation of food to be consumed on the premises; or any fire pit that are fully contained within a screened chiminea or an aboveground fire pit with screens subject to the following restrictions:
Any grill or fire pit used within the Borough shall be constructed and operated in a safe manner and shall not be located closer than 20 feet to any building, structure or property line.
Only clean seasoned firewood or charcoal may be burned. No burning of trash, leaves, brush, and pressure-treated wood or painted wood is permitted.
All openings in the container or fire pit must be covered with wire mesh or other noncombustible screening materials that will prevent the passage of sparks or embers.
All fires shall be constantly attended by at least one adult person until they are completely extinguished. A minimum of one portable fire extinguisher with a minimum 4-A rating or other approved on-site fire-extinguishing equipment, such as dirt, sand, water barrels, water bucket or garden hose shall be available for immediate utilization.
No such fire or container may be used on any porch, deck, balcony or other portion of a building.
Fires are not permitted during adverse wind and weather conditions.
Fires shall not be permitted to smolder.
All open fires as set forth herein shall be extinguished no later than 12:00 midnight.
Any fire permitted to burn in an unsafe manner under adverse weather conditions, unsupervised, determined unsafe by the Fire Chief or police officers(s), or in violation of any provision of this chapter, shall be extinguished immediately upon demand by such official.
No provision of this section shall be interpreted to prohibit burning of appropriate fuels in residential fireplaces, barbecues, grills, or small recreational fires that are fully contained within a screened chiminea or an aboveground fire pit with screens.
In the event there is a question as to the safety of the operation or construction of any grill or fire pit within the Borough, the Fire Chief or officer of one of the local fire departments shall be consulted to inspect said structure.
No person shall deliberately set a fire for the purpose of removing, razing or tearing down an existing building or structure.
The enforcement of the rules and regulations of this chapter shall be carried out by the Police Department and/or Code Enforcement Officer of the Borough of Taylor, in conjunction with and in coordination with the fire department.
The Borough of Taylor and its agents, officials, and representatives shall not, under any circumstances, be liable or responsible for damages caused to any person or property by reason of the provisions of this chapter, or by reason of the conduct of burning activity in compliance or noncompliance with the terms and provisions of this chapter. The person or party responsible for any such fire shall be solely responsible for any and all damages caused as a result thereof.
Any person who has ignited a fire contrary to the rules and regulations set forth herein, shall upon notice by an officer of the Police Department or member of the Fire Department or Code Enforcement Officer, immediately distinguish the fire.
Person(s) who do not immediately discontinue the violation of this chapter, or who are repeat violators, shall be issued a citation by an officer of the Police Department.
Persons who have been given a warning notice on one or more occasion with respect to violations described in this chapter may, at the discretion of the officers of the Police Department, be issued a citation for violating the chapter.
Any regulations by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the government of the United States of America pertaining to burning of any materials shall supersede the rules and regulations of this chapter where such rules and regulations are more stringent than the rules and regulations of this chapter.
Any fire training conducted by a Borough Fire Department or another recognized public firefighting organization shall not be bound by the rules and regulations of this chapter when such organization is conducting firefighting training.
Any person who violates, or permits a violation of this chapter, upon being convicted before a Magisterial District Judge, shall pay a fine of not less than $100 and not exceeding $600, and any costs incurred by the Borough of Taylor, and in default of payment of the fine and costs, shall be subject to imprisonment in for a period not exceeding 30 days. Each day of the violation shall be considered a separate violation and offense.