[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Taylor 3-9-1994 by Ord. No. 183. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be known and cited as "The Borough of Taylor Emergency Police and Fire Alarm Ordinance."
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes all automatic protection systems/devices, which are designed that upon receipt of a stimulus from a sensory apparatus that has detected a physical force or condition inherently characteristic of a fire or intrusion, and results in the activation of any audible warning device, or prerecorded telephone message, the purpose of which is to alert and summon police, fire or other emergency personnel to respond to the location of the emergency. This definition also includes manually operated controls for hold-up alert or medical emergency.
Any person, firm or corporation who sells, leases and/or installs automatic emergency alarm protection systems or devices.
All sirens, horns, whistles and bells which are designed to attract the attention of neighbors and passersby and summon police or fire personnel and equipment to the scene of the alarm.
The Borough of Taylor, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania.
The Chief of Police of the Borough of Taylor, including any Acting Chief or a designated representative.
The nontraffic citations used to initiate summary prosecutions as prescribed by the Rules of Criminal Procedure, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The Lackawanna County Emergency Communications Center, 200 Adams Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503.
See the definition of “alarm.”
Any signal activated by an automatic protection device, any audible alarm or any other kind of direct or indirect signal given the police or fire departments or hose companies of Taylor Borough to which police or firemen respond, which is not a result of a burglary, fire, robbery or other similar emergency.
The rate to be charged by the Borough for the issuance of alarm installation permits.
The Fire Chief of the Borough of Taylor or a designated representative.
All properly recorded members of the Taylor Hose Companies or all properly recorded members of all other fire departments who may assist the Borough firemen in responding to the alarm.
The written application/permit to be required to be obtained from the Borough prior to the installation of any alarm, and shall be on a form prescribed by the Borough.
All sworn members of the Borough of Taylor Police Department and all other law enforcement agencies who may assist the Borough police in responding to the alarm.
The cost of personnel and equipment which respond to false alarms.
A written notice to person(s), property owners, companies or corporations in control or possession of that property where an alarm has been installed, and where false alarms originate, directing corrective repairs to be taken to eliminate the false alarms.
No person, property owner, or member of any firm or corporation shall install, connect, or tie into any alarm without first, and before installation is started, submitting the required fees and securing a permit from the Borough. No permit shall be transferable, and shall expire when ownership or occupancy of a residence, business, or other building changes. The new owner or occupant shall apply for a new permit, and submit therewith a permit fee of $10, within 30 days of the expiration of a change of ownership or occupancy.
No permit shall be issued without the payment of a permit fee of $10.
In addition to the permits required by the Borough, all person(s), companies or corporations must comply with all regulations, permits or fees required by Lackawanna County for the installation of any alarm which by telephone or other means, transmits a signal to the Communication Center requesting Borough police, fire or other emergency services to be dispatched to the scene of an emergency.
No person shall conduct any test or demonstration of an alarm without first obtaining permission from the chief of the appropriate agency, police and/or fire departments.
All audible alarms must be equipped with a timing mechanism that will disengage the audible alarm after a maximum period of 15 minutes. Audible alarms without such a timing mechanism shall be unlawful in the Borough and must be either modified to conform to the regulation set forth or must be disconnected within 90 days from the effective date of this chapter. Written notice that the alarm has been repaired shall be forwarded.
All persons, companies or corporations within the Borough who have alarm systems which were installed prior to the enactment of this chapter shall, within 90 days of the effective date, provide the appropriate agency, police and/or fire departments with information as to the type of alarm, the name of the person(s), company or corporation who did the installation and the name of person(s), company or corporation providing maintenance service and the person to whom contact may be made to disengage the alarm as set forth in § 47-9.
All person(s), companies or corporations having control over properties in the Borough where alarms are installed and in service shall provide to the appropriate agency, police and/or fire departments a list of person(s) who will be available to respond to the alarm location for the purpose of shutting off or resetting the alarm.
Misuse, false activation or accidental activation of an alarm to which the police and/or fire departments respond shall be enforced as hereby directed:
The first recorded false alarm shall result in a written warning notice being issued to the person(s) in charge of the property where the false alarm originated directing the proper repairs to the alarm system be completed within five days of the date of issuance of the warning notice, so as to eliminate additional false alarms within a ninety-day period immediately following the issuance of the written warning notice.
All false alarms received from a location where a written warning notice had been issued, and after the five-day period allowed for repairs expires, and up to 90 days from the original date of issue of said written warning notice has expired, shall result in a citation being issued by the Police Department to the person(s) in charge of the property where the false alarm originates, and, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $300, plus costs, or to be sentenced to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days.
Where repairs have been made in compliance to the written warning notice, and no false alarms are received for the ninety-day period following the date of issuance of said written warning notice, and that after the ninety-day period has expired a false alarm is received, enforcement shall again be initiated under Subsection A of this section.
Violations of the provisions set forth in §§ 47-3 through 47-9 may result in a citation being issued to the person(s), property owner, companies or corporation in charge of the property, or alarm equipment suppliers or their employees, and, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $300, plus costs. Each day a violation continues or is permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense for which a separate penalty may be imposed.
In order to maintain uniformity of enforcement and centralized record keeping, the Taylor Borough Police Department shall be the primary enforcement agency for the regulations set forth in this chapter. The Taylor Borough Hose Company and all other emergency services responding to false alarms as defined in this chapter within the Borough, shall make all complaints known to the Taylor Borough Police Department, which will initiate enforcement provisions as outlined under §§ 47-10 and 47-11.