[Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Taylor 6-12-1974 by Ord. No. 48. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 4-8-1993 by Ord. No. 180]
No person, partnership or corporation, either as principal or agent, shall engage in selling, peddling, and soliciting, canvassing or taking orders for goods, wares, and/or merchandise, including magazines and periodicals, by sample or otherwise, upon the streets or sidewalks, or from house to house, or from any vehicle or from space occupied on a temporary basis in any house, building, structure or upon land within the Borough of Taylor, unless a license from the Borough is first obtained in the manner provided hereinafter.
[Amended 4-8-1993 by Ord. No. 180]
This chapter shall not apply to nor shall licenses be required for the following:
The sale of milk, butter and other dairy products, bread and bakery products, meat and meat products, and other food products and produce, by any farmer, manufacturer or producer, or by the employees, authorized agents or representatives of any farmer, manufacturer, or producer of the same.
Solicitation of contributions for religious, charitable, educational and philanthropic purposes, and for the promotion of public health and welfare, by members of or volunteer workers for any religious denomination, organized nonprofit corporation or association, society, charity or fund, and the sale of goods, wares and merchandise by the same when the proceeds of such sales are devoted to such purposes.
The business transacted by insurance companies, and their agents, and by insurance brokers licensed to transact such business under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Temporary activities transacted by existing business so long as said activities remain on the original business site (including open spaces or parking areas) and the proceeds of such activities are paid to said existing entity.
[Amended 4-8-1993 by Ord. No. 180]
All persons, partnerships and corporations required to obtain a license under the provisions of this chapter shall make and transmit an application therefor which shall contain the following:
Name of applicant.
His address.
The person, partnership or corporation he represents, and his or its main office, address and telephone number.
A description of the goods, wares and merchandise involved.
The length of time for which the license is desired.
A description, including the license number, of any vehicles to be used in connection with the proposed activities.
The number of other individuals involved as employees, helpers or otherwise in the proposed activities.
A statement that the applicant has no previous criminal record.
Pennsylvania sales tax number.
If the activity occurs on any highway, road or street under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation, a copy of the highway occupancy permit.
A certification that no electric service, water or sewer lines or facilities are used on the facilities. If all or part of such systems are to be used, detailed plans must be submitted and the applicant shall pay reasonable review and engineering fees.
Copies of workmen's compensation insurance as may be required by law.
A detailed plan of any temporary structure (including any tent) intended to be used. Licensee shall be responsible for reasonable and necessary expenses of the Borough-appointed engineer or other authorized officer for reviewing same.
All persons connected with the proposed activities, as employees, helpers or otherwise, shall obtain individual licenses, submit all information required by this section, and exhibit any additional licenses required by the laws and statutes of the commonwealth.
Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to relieve any person, partnership or corporation from the duty of taking out a license or from the payment of any license tax imposed by any other statute of this commonwealth or complying with any other ordinance of the Borough.
[Amended 4-8-1993 by Ord. No. 180]
No license shall be issued until the applicant shall pay for any license or licenses issued, for the use of the Borough, a fee of $5, except any licensee using a structure (including a tent) shall pay a fee of $50. Said license shall be valid for a period of 30 days.
Nothing herein creates any obligation or affirms any duty on the part of the Borough to perform any or all of any part of this chapter, or any liability for willful, partial or negligent performance.
Application forms shall be available, and all applications containing the information required by this chapter shall be made, at the Borough Building of the Borough of Taylor, Taylor, Pennsylvania, and the Borough Manager is hereby authorized to issue licenses upon the payment of the fee herein specified. Every person subject to the provisions of this chapter shall carry such license upon his person at all times when engaged in his activities within the Borough, and shall exhibit such license upon request to the Borough officials and their representatives, and police or constables employed by the Borough, and to any resident of the Borough contacted by such person who shall so request. No license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be transferred or assigned by the holder thereof.
The applicant shall not at any time sell or otherwise deal in goods, wares and merchandise not covered by the license.
The Borough Council is hereby authorized to revise the fee schedule set forth in § 126-4 of this chapter, either increasing or decreasing the said fee, and also to designate a person or persons to take applications and receive said fees, other than as provided in § 126-5 of this chapter, by resolutions adopted from time to time for such purposes.
No person licensed under this chapter shall engage in his activities at any time on Sunday, or on any other day of the week either before 9:00 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m.; provided, however, that this time limitation shall not be applicable to demonstrations conducted within the home of a resident of the Borough for a group of persons.
No person licensed under this chapter shall hawk or cry his wares upon any street or sidewalk within the Borough, nor shall he use any loudspeaker or horn, or other device, for announcing his presence so as to create a public nuisance.
No person licensed under this chapter shall park any vehicle upon any of the streets, alleys or lanes within the Borough in order to sort, rearrange or clean any goods, wares or merchandise, nor may such person deposit any refuse upon any of said streets, alleys or lanes; nor may any person keep or maintain a street or curbstone market by parking any vehicle upon any street, alley or lane within the Borough for a period of time longer than that required to sell therefrom to residents residing in the immediate vicinity; nor shall any person occupy any fixed location upon any of the streets, alleys or lanes within the Borough, either with or without a stand, counter or other portable structure.
Copies of all applications and licenses shall be promptly transmitted to the Borough Secretary, and he shall keep a permanent record of all licenses issued under this chapter.
The Borough Council and the police or constables employed by them, or other representatives designated by them, shall supervise the activities of all holders of such licenses, and they are authorized to suspend any license for a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, for giving false information upon any application for a license, or when deemed necessary for the protection of the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the residents of the Borough.
[Amended 4-8-1993 by Ord. No. 180]
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter upon conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine of no more than $300, and costs of prosecution, and in default of payment thereof shall be subject to imprisonment for not more than 30 days. Each day a violation continues or is permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense for which a separate penalty may be imposed.
This chapter is enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Pennsylvania Borough Code, 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 1202(31).