Prior to an action by the Planning Board approving a final plat, the applicant, at his own expense and without reimbursement by the Village, shall have installed or shall furnish performance guarantees for the ultimate installation of certain street, sanitary, and other improvements as specified in the conditional approval of the preliminary plat, and as outlined below, in accordance with this chapter; Chapter 173, Streets and Sidewalks; and the construction standards described in § 115-5 of the Village Code.
Streets shall be graded and improved as noted below, with such grading and improvements to conform to the Village minimum specifications for roads, sidewalks, etc., and which shall be approved as to design and specifications by the Village Engineer or other appropriate representative of the Village.
The following are the minimum improvements to be installed in the right-of-way of a street:
Pavement (also see the improvements listed under § 175-17B).
Granite curbs (unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board) and/or gutters.
Sidewalks (unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board).
Street signs.
Public utility installations.
The developer shall be responsible for the installation of the following improvements, which shall be connected to an approved system and shall be adequate to handle all present and probable future development:
Water mains.
Fire hydrants.
Storm sewers.
Sanitary sewers.
Fire-alarm signal devices.
Retention ponds.
The developer shall arrange with the appropriate private utility companies for the installation of at least the following services:
Underground utility lines, if placed in the right-of-way of a street, shall be located between the curb and the property line to simplify the location and repair of such lines, and the subdivider shall install underground service connections to the property line of each lot before the street is paved. Utility services carried on pole lines shall be located along rear lot lines with easements provided and adequately documented for maintenance and tree trimming.
Street trees.
Street trees shall be located inside the street line so as not to interfere with overhead utilities, pole lines, or sidewalks.
Street trees shall be of a variety approved by the Planning Board, when applicable.
Monuments. Permanent monuments shall be set at block corners and at intervals of approximately 500 feet or such other distance as the Planning Board may determine appropriate, and their location shall be shown on the final plat. Iron pipes shall not be considered permanent monuments for the purpose of these regulations.
Protection of topsoil. No topsoil shall be removed from the site or used as spoil. Topsoil moved during the course of construction shall be redistributed so as to provide at least six inches of cover to all areas of the subdivision and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting on the slopes of less than 12% as shown on the final grading plan and shall be stabilized by sodding on slopes of 12% or over as shown on the final grading plan.
Inspection of improvements.
All of the above-listed improvements shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Village Engineer (or other appropriate Village representative as determined by the Planning Board and named in the resolution approving the final plat, including any consultants hired by the Village and funded by the project escrow account established pursuant to § 38-1B of the Village Code), who shall be notified by the developer at least 24 hours prior to the start of construction. No underground installation shall be covered until inspected and approved.
If the Village Engineer or other appropriate Village representative finds, upon inspection, that any of the required improvements have not been constructed in accordance with the approved construction detail sheets, the applicant and the bonding company will be severally and jointly liable for the costs of completing said improvements according to specifications.
The Village Engineer or other appropriate Village representative as determined by the Planning Board and named in the resolution approving the final plat shall act as an agent of the Planning Board for the purposes of assuring the satisfactory completion of improvements required by the Planning Board.
The Village Engineer or other appropriate Village representative shall determine an amount sufficient to defray costs of inspection, which sum shall be paid to the Village by the applicant before the final plat is signed.
After adoption of a resolution approving a final subdivision plat and before the plat is endorsed by the Planning Board, the applicant shall be required to complete, at his expense and without reimbursement by the Village or any special district, all street and other improvements as shown on the approved construction plans or otherwise specified in the resolution.
As an alternative, the applicant may file with the Village Clerk a bond in an amount fixed by the Planning Board in its resolution as sufficient to secure to the Village the satisfactory construction, installation and completion of the required improvements. Such performance guarantee shall comply with the requirements of Article 7 of Village Law and shall be satisfactory to the Village Attorney as to form, sufficiency, and execution. Such performance guarantee shall be issued by a bonding or surety company approved by the Village Board or by the owner with security acceptable to the Village Board. The term of such bond shall be fixed by the Planning Board but in no case for a period longer than three years. Such term may be extended, however, with the consent and agreement of all parties. Such bond shall state the period within which the required improvements must be completed, which period shall be that specified in the Planning Board resolution. All improvements shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Board in accordance with the approved construction plans and the requirements of these regulations and the construction standards described in § 115-5 of the Village Code.
Failure to complete improvements.
Where a bond is not filed. If all required improvements are not completed within the period specified in the Planning Board resolution of approval, such approval shall be deemed to have expired, unless, upon request of the applicant, the period has been extended by resolution of the Planning Board.
Where a bond is filed. If all required improvements are not completed within the term specified by the Planning Board and set forth in the filed bond and if no application for the extension of such period and bond has been made by the applicant and approved by the Planning Board, the Planning Board may thereupon declare said bond to be in default and collect the sum remaining payable thereunder, and upon receipt of the proceeds thereof, the Village shall install such improvements as are covered by the bond and are commensurate with the extent of the building development that has taken place in the subdivision but not exceeding, in cost, the amount of such proceeds.
Modification of bond.
Extension of period specified in bond. The time period specified for the completion of all required improvements, as set forth in the bond, may be extended only by resolution of the Planning Board upon request by the applicant setting forth, in detail, the amount of work which has been completed, reasons for failure to complete the remainder of the work within the specified period, the maximum estimated time required to complete the remainder of the work and the time period extension which is requested.
Reduction of bond. An applicant may request, in writing, that the Planning Board authorize a reduction in the amount of the bond. Such request shall itemize the extent of required improvements already completed, the estimated cost of improvements remaining to be completed, and the amount of bond reduction requested. The Planning Board may, if it determines that sufficient required improvements have been installed to warrant such action, reduce the face amount of the bond by an appropriate amount so that the new amount will cover the cost in full of all required improvements remaining to be completed, and any security deposited with the bond may be reduced proportionately.
The performance guarantee shall in all cases extend for a period of two years beyond the date of completion of the required improvements to assure their satisfactory condition. Any defects in the construction or faulty equipment shall be repaired or replaced by the applicant without cost to the Village.
Modification of requirements. If, at any time, either before or during the course of construction of the required improvements, it is determined by the Planning Board that unforeseen conditions make it necessary to modify the location or design of any improvements, the Planning Board may modify the terms and conditions of the approval so as to require such change as may be necessary to comply with the spirit and intent of the Planning Board's original approval and to conform to accepted engineering practices. If such modification affects the scope of work covered by a bond, the Planning Board may require or allow appropriate modification of such bond.
Guarantees by utility companies. As to utilities required by the Planning Board, the Planning Board may accept assurance for such public utility company whose facilities are proposed to be installed. Such assurance shall be in writing, addressed to the Planning Board, stating that such public utility company will make the installations necessary for the furnishing of its services within a specified time, in accordance with the approved construction detail sheets.
Inspection required. The Building Inspector, or his designee (including any consultants hired by the Village and funded by the project escrow account established pursuant to § 38-1B of the Village Code), shall be responsible for inspecting required improvements during construction to ensure their satisfactory completion and, upon such completion, shall furnish the Planning Board with a statement to that effect. If the Building Inspector determines that any of the required improvements have not been constructed in accordance with the approved plan and other applicable laws and regulations, as well as any other applicable approvals, the applicant shall be responsible for properly completing said improvements. Failure of the Building Inspector to carry out inspections of required improvements during construction shall not in any way relieve the applicant or the bonding company of its responsibilities related to the proper construction of such improvements.
Inspection of stages of construction.
To facilitate inspection of required improvements during construction, the applicant shall notify the Building Inspector, or his designee, at least three working days before reaching each of the following stages of construction:
Rough grading completed.
Drainage and other underground facilities installed, but prior to backfilling.
Before installing curbing.
After gravel base is spread and compacted.
When each paved course is being applied.
After completion of all improvements.
The applicant shall not proceed to work on any stage subsequent to the first stage until the work of the previous stage has been inspected and approved by the Building Inspector or his designee. In the case of any other improvements, the Building Inspector; or his designee, shall inspect the work at such progressive stages as he shall specify, and he shall certify to the Planning Board that the work was inspected by him and was in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.
Certificate of construction. At such time as the applicant has completed construction of all required improvements, he shall furnish to the Building Inspector three copies of as-built plans and profiles which show the actual location of all paved streets, culverts, headwalls, drains, manholes, catch basins, sidewalks, curbs, utility lines and equipment, monuments, street signs, street trees and all other required improvements, as constructed, and all other pertinent information, such as cross sections of the streets at intervals determined by the Building Inspector, the culvert and drain grades, sewer grades, sidewalk and curb grades and invert elevations at manholes. Such plans and profiles shall bear a dated certification by a professional engineer or licensed surveyor to the effect that the data shown thereon was accurately determined by field survey. If the location or accuracy of improvements does not, in the opinion of the Planning Board, fully comply with the approved construction plans and specifications, the Planning Board shall have the right to refuse to sign the final plat or release the bond until such situation is corrected.
Inspection fee. To offset the cost incurred by the Village in conducting inspections, all applicants for approval of submissions involving the construction of streets and/or other improvements shall be required to submit an inspection fee, payable to the Village of Ardsley, in an amount as set by resolution of the Planning Board.
The approval by the Planning Board of a final plat shall not be deemed to constitute or imply the acceptance by the Village of any street, park, playground or other open space shown on said plat.
Offers of dedication. All streets and reservations shall be indicated on the plat. In accordance with § 7-732 of Village Law, the applicant may add as part of the plat a notation, if he so desires, to the effect that no offer of dedication of such streets or reservations, or any of them, is made to the public. All offers of cession to the public of all streets and reservations not so marked shall be filed with the Planning Board at the time of submission of the final application.
Petition for dedication. Upon completion of the subdivision and the road(s), a petition in the form required by the Village shall be filed for the acceptance of any reservations or easements.
Acceptance by Village. Acceptance of any offer of cession of streets or reservations shall rest with the Board of Trustees. In the event that the applicant shall elect not to file the plat in the Office of the County Clerk within the period prescribed for such filing, then such formal offer of cession shall be deemed void. The approval by the Planning Board of a subdivision plat shall not be deemed to constitute nor imply the acceptance by the Village of any streets, parks or other areas shown on said plat, and the Planning Board may require the addition of appropriate notes to this effect on the plat.
Maintenance. In the event that no offer of cession to the public is made for the streets or reservations shown on the plat, there shall be submitted with the final application copies of agreements or other documents providing for the suitable maintenance of such facilities and a statement of all rights which exist with respect to each of them. The adequacy of such documents shall be subject to the Planning Board's approval.
The Planning Board may waive, subject to appropriate conditions, the provision of any or all such improvements and requirements as, in its judgment of the special circumstances of a particular plat, are not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare or which, in its judgment, are inappropriate because of inadequacy or lack of connecting facilities adjacent or in proximity to the subdivision.
A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued for a structure within a subdivision where the improvements are guaranteed by a performance bond unless it is determined by the Planning Board all of the following conditions have been complied with:
Status of street improvements. The improvement of the street or streets giving access to the structure has progressed to a stage deemed adequate by the Planning Board to render safe all-weather vehicular access for both routine and emergency purposes.
Maintenance agreements. Written agreements have been filed providing for the maintenance of the bonded street or streets in such all-weather passable condition, including snow removal and sanding, during the period between the issuance of the certificate of occupancy and the acceptance of the fully completed street by the Planning Board. (If the street is not to be offered for dedication to the Village, such an agreement will have been required in accordance with § 175-14 of these regulations.)
Fees; escrow. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, all applicable professional review fees, environmental fees, inspection fees, and other Village fees related to the application shall be paid to the Village. Should the project escrow account (established pursuant to § 38-1B of the Village Code) be exhausted prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, no further action shall be taken on the application until the escrow account is replenished.
Copies of all final, accepted covenants, easements, or deed restrictions that are intended to apply to all or any part of the proposed subdivision or resubdivision and any other items required by the Planning Board shall be submitted by the subdivider to the Planning Board and the Village Attorney prior to final subdivision approval.
Where title to land designated for parks, recreation areas or open space is to remain for the subdivider or reserved by covenant for the common use of the property owners of the subdivision or resubdivision, the subdivider shall submit copies of agreements or other documents showing the manner in which such areas are to be maintained and the provision made therefor to the Village Attorney for approval prior to final subdivision approval. All agreements and covenants governing the maintenance of such undeeded parcels of land shall be in a form acceptable to the Village Attorney as to their legal sufficiency. The final subdivision plat of any subdivision or resubdivision shall not be executed until the provisions of this section are complied with.
The subdivider shall submit a copy of the full scale Tax Map(s) on which the location and layout of the proposed subdivision or resubdivision, including all lots, streets, parks, playgrounds, open spaces and easements, have been clearly shown to scale as part of the subdivision process.